Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Lindsay Lohan and Lily Allen New BFFs?

Last night Lindsay Lohan was spotted dining out in LA with Lily Allen. The British singer is reportedly in town working on her second album (YAY!). Hopefully this new-found friendship doesn't get in the way of the record making process.

Lohan's far too close "friend," Samantha Ronson, was also in attendance. Allen and Ronson know each other through Samantha's brother, Mark, who worked with Allen on a track from her last album.

This dinner date of sorts seems a bit odd as Allen hasn't always been a fan of Lohan's. According to My Park Magazine, Allen blogged about an encounter with Lohan on her Myspace page saying: "We went to this club called Les Deux and that was really fun until Lindsay Lohan arrived and had us thrown off our table. I know she's a huge star and all and famous people deserve to sit down especially when they've been working so hard."

All of this comes a week after Allen's appearance at the Glamour Awards. She was presented with an Editor's Special Award for her music, as well as style, while wearing a dress with a bleeding Bambi print. She was so intoxicated at the end of the night that she had to be carried out of the event.

I can handle a drunk in public incident, it happens to the best of us. However, I hope, for Allen and her fans' sake, that this Lohan deal is only a phase.

(Photos courtesy of: My Park Magazine)


  1. Oh no.. LOL. 2 messes hanging out together now. double the trouble, but at least more stories to post and comment on. for some reason i like lily's pink hair though.

    p.s.: oh you so gotta try and work with the polyvore thing. i just started getting into it today and it's great cause you get to experiment with diffrent looks BEFORE buying/wearing. Plus it tells you where to buy the pieces. Pretty handy.

  2. so do we draw attention to ourselves by dying our hair pink or by falling down drunk? hmmmmm


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