Wednesday, July 23, 2008

in(fus)ium 23: the (moistur)ologie collection

Another one of my vacation must-haves: in(fus)ium 23. Whenever going to the lake, river, beach--pretty much any body of water--you need a good hair care line that will keep your locks healthy. There are far too many disgusting items floating around in the water to not take any action. My secret to maintaining silky smooth hair during water activities is the (moistur)ologie collection.My hair is long (it sits just below my bra strap on my back), and the sun and water increase the amount of tangles I get, creating that dreaded "mop" look. To prevent major breakage, as well as a scary look, I adhere to in(fus)ium's three easy steps: renew, replenish, restore. In other words, I wash and condition my hair with the (moistur)ologie products, then follow up with a leave-in conditioner from the same line. Not only does this make combing my hair an easy task, but it also results in extreme softness.

While I am addicted to these products mainly when my hair is at its worst, I recommend using them everyday for sultry strands. in(fus)ium products can be purchased at drug stores like CVS and Walgreens and run at about $6-$7. So you're lookin' at less than $25 for the whole collection, not bad!

This hair care brand also offers (repair)ologie, (frizz)ologie, (colour)ologie, and (volum)ologie collections, covering just about any needs you may have.

(Photo courtesy of:

1 comment:

  1. Love the post Leeann! Keep up the good work! PS The new design is FAB!


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