Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Here Piggy Piggy!

I came across this article on MSN today and just had to share. Teacup pigs are apparently all the rage in England right now.

These precious little oinkers measure up anywhere from 12 to 16 inches tall and approximately 65 lbs. Don't you just want to squeeze them?

The cost of a teacup pig: up to $1,100 each.

Photo courtesy of:


  1. Ridiculous price. But they are awfully cute!

  2. Aw I definately want one! They are too cute!

  3. These are SO adorable, but I certainly hope there isn't an influx in shelters after these darlings get bigger and they lose a lot of their "cute" factor. I'd hate to see so many abandoned. People can be SO stupid about pets... grr.

    Okay, off the soap box now... :)

  4. They are the Cutest!!! However I agree with New England Girl hope people take care of these little oinkers after purchasing them.

  5. I used to want a Potbellied Pig as a child - I never got one. These are adorable! :)


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