Friday, November 13, 2009

Dreaming of Warmer Days Past...

This post is two months late, but I thought I’d share anyways.

In September I took a family vacation to Lake Mead, Ariz. for some fun in the sun! We go to a place called Meadview, which is close to Grand Canyon West. Many only come to this area to visit the newly built Grand Canyon Skywalk (which you will never see me exploring!), so it’s nice and peaceful on the water. I hate when there are too many boats, it gets scary.

Although I am not a fan of the desert, this area is quite beautiful during sunsets. The back of the Grand Canyon glows in hues of reds and orange. It's quite a sight to see. My parents actually have land out there and are hopefully building on it soon. I can't wait for the summer nights when we are able to sit on the porch and watch as the day turns into night. Since the sky is so clear (as there isn't really a city nearby and there are absolutely no building for miles) the stars are so beautiful and bright.

Along with my mom and dad, my two college friends join us. Somehow I was the sober one this whole trip, and the rest of them indulged in the beverages. I would like to disclaim that there was no drinking and driving on the water though—safety first.

The weather was perfect, high 90s. The water on the lake is always great too because it’s so warm! In addition to cruising around on the boat, we enjoyed some wakeboarding and tubing. Here are some pictures of the fun:

My dog in her tiny life jacket

My dad and I

My mom and I

Me wakeboarding

Now that Fall is upon us, I can only dream about the next time I get to go back. Summer of 2010, I’ll be waiting for you!

Don't forget to sign up for the jammies swap!


  1. Winter has barely hit here and I am already ready for warm weather! I need a vacation stat!

  2. It is oddly warm here in Connecticut.

    I posted about your swap ~ hope you don't mind. I love the idea!


  3. It looks so fun! I love your dog's tiny lifejacket!

  4. the doggy in the life jacket just made my day. adorable!

    xo Niki

  5. oh! how i miss warm vacations :(
    nice pictures, cute dog!! xx


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