Friday, February 5, 2010

dineLA Restaurant Week: Zuzza Ristorante

As I have explained in my last two posts, it's dineLA Restaurant Week and my first two dinners were not exactly spectacular. Bad service, mediocre meals, and all around let downs at Boxwood and Sweet Love Hangover. So after two strikes, I was hoping that the last restaurant would be a home run and it was! The winner?...(menu listed below as it was on the Web site)...

Appetizer- Insalatina di campo
Baby organic, cherry tomato, carrots, tangerine, poppy seed vinaigrette

Entree- Melanzane alla Parmigiana
Baked eggplant, mozzarella, tomato, aged Parmigiano-Reggiano

Dessert- Chocolate cake, sliced strawberry, whipped cream

Price: $26

I actually visited this restaurant on Saturday night, but arrived too late to get dinner. My mom and I were on our way to see Mary Poppins (post to come soon!) and chose to eat at Zucca because they offer a shuttle service to and from the theater. Since we were late, we had to skip the meal but the restaurant was so nice that they still let us utilize the shuttle service. Therefore, I was determined to visit them again to enjoy their food. I was pleasantly surprised that their food matches their impressive service!

Upon entering Zucca, you are aware of the upscale atmosphere. It's very elegant, but not snoody. Prices are just right and the people are nice. Most importantly--the food was delish. I will be going back, again and again!

I adore Downtown LA. There is something about the pretty lights and grandiose buildings. If I could choose any neighborhood to live in, it would definitely be Downtown. So the fact that the restaurant is right in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the city made the experience that much more thrilling. Plus, parking is only $5, pretty darn good for the neighborhood.

I am extremely happy that Zucca ended my dineLA experience on a good note. I highly recommend this restaurant to anyone in the Los Angeles vicinity!


  1. That eggplant looks SOOOOOO good!!!

  2. I have met him and he is really lovely in real life so that makes up for it!

    fashion articles

  3. i sometimes think no matter how good the food is, it can be ruined by terrible service! but the food definitely looks delicious hehe! x


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