Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Heidi Montag's Plastic Surgery

Poor girl. I really do feel sorry for Heidi Montag. She clearly has deep insecurities to have had so many plastic surgeries. She completely has body dysmorphic disorder. No matter how she alters her appearance, she'll never be satisfied.

This is how she looks now...

Will it stop? Or will she be like the cat lady one day?

Aside from the plastic surgery, how did everyone else like The Hills?

Photos courtesy of: Hollyscoop and Celebrity Smack


  1. I feel so sorry for Heidi, although I did laugh a bit when her family was sort of poking fun at her during their dinner.

  2. She was a beautiful girl and did not need the surgery but maybe see could not see what the mirror was really reflecting(Body dysmorphic disorder).

    I think she has been quoted as saying she wants more surgery.

    She really did not need it at all.


  3. Heidi's surgery is horrible. I watched The Hills up to when Lauren Conrad left. I just really like her being a part of the show.

  4. gosh she is resembling cat lady alot...

    i feel sorry for Heidi.... feel sorry in a "wow you really should not have done that" kinda way...

    hopefully in a few years she realises she made a mistake and in the mean time i guess we can only hope she doesnt get any more surgery.

    She was gorgeous to begin with!

  5. It really is sad. She was a beautiful girl to begin with, and it's a shame she felt she needed to permanently alter what she can never get back.

  6. I certainly hope for her sake that she stops!

  7. dude...she is already heading in that direction! i already see the cat woman look in her!!! gah!

  8. I gave up watching hills a while ago.

    However, I feel so sorry for Heidi only because the poor girl had nothing else to do with her life but get a ton of plastic surgery. For some reason, I think she did it for the attention which is even more sad :(

    It's amazing how far people would go in Hollywood :S



  9. i haven't watched the hills in forever..but i can't believe what's happened to her. she used to be such a gorgeous girl. it's such a shame how brainwashed she's become. clearly, the old heidi is not there emotionally either.

  10. She looks like an alien now and the girl certainly has issues. She can’t see what everyone else sees and it’s sad. I personally think she looked 100% better pre-surgery.

    I never got into The Hills. I think I may be the only one!

  11. As much as I want to join in hating people like Heidi, I just end up pitying her.

  12. That is hella scary!!

  13. I don't watch the hills, but I do feel sorry for that girl.

  14. It really is sad. For some reason, cosmetic surgery addicts faschinate me because they are so extreme. I try not to make fun of them because like you said, they clearly have body dysmorphic. Amazed of what you learned at PlasticSurgery.com, eh? ;-)

  15. Oh poor Heidi, she sure lets Spencer call the shots, she says she is so much happier but you can see she is not. I am really glad her mom stood up and told her how it is!

  16. Yeah, I really think that plastic surgery obsession is going to join anorexia and bulimia as a certified disorder. So sad. You know, I have never watched The Hills?? How crazy is that?!


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