Friday, May 28, 2010

It Doesn't Get Cooler Than Coca-Cola

This week my co-worker, Megan, received a package from her sweet momma. Inside was the coolest clutch I had ever seen--a bag made of recycled Coca-Cola wrappers.

Of course as soon as I laid eyes on the beauty I had to get more info, so I began Googling until I found the company that makes these bags, Ecoist. Here's what their site says:

"Ecoist and The Coca-Cola Company have partnered to repurpose misprinted and waste-bound bottle labels. These classic, limited edition, handcrafted purses are made by a fair trade women's cooperative in Peru."

And it gets better! Wait for it...for every bag they sell they plant a tree. Seriously!

Ecoist has a variety of bags, too! From M&Ms to bar codes, they are all so creative. With one of their "art pieces" you are sure to get plenty of compliments.

As Megan pointed out, her Coca-Cola clutch will look great with a black outfit, adding a pop of red to spice up her look. I'd totally rock it for a night out on the town. How about you?

I'd also buy some of the other styles. As a journalism major in college, I have my eye on the newspaper and magazine styles ;)

Photos courtesy of: my iPhone and Ecoist


  1. How cute! I am like you, I love the magazine and newspaper styles too

  2. Considering how much I love Coca-Cola, I would love to have that bag! So cool!

  3. Love the coca cola clutch!

    Merci beaucoup for stopping by darling =]

    Have a great weekend!

    Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
    English Rose x

  4. I've just discovered your blog and I love it so much! <3

  5. Super cute! I love clutches, and this is adorable!!

  6. that is really cute and unique! love it!

  7. I love that clutch! So adorable!


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