Friday, October 15, 2010

Knott's Scary Farm

As stated in my haunted hayride post, I am a sucker for anything scary. Halloween is my favorite holiday. I like being scared but knowing that I am really in no danger at all. That's why I adore Knott's Scary Farm. But what makes the Halloween Haunt, as it is also called, so great? As explained on the site, Knott's 38th Annual Halloween Haunt is:

-The world's first Halloween theme park event.
-The largest event in the amusement park industry.
-The original inspiration for hundreds of "copycat" theme park Halloween events worldwide.

The site also explains Knott's Scary Farm as, "the original, in-your-face LIVE Halloween experience - a 160-acre living horror movie filled with 13 chilling mazes, 7 hair-raising shows, 3 horrific scare zones and 1,000 monsters roaming for their next victim."

Let me break it down for you...amazing monster costumes, lots of fog, creepy creatures around every corner, mazes that are filled with bloodcurdling screams, and lots of people running through the park trying to escape the horrifying characters!

Sound perfect? Well it is!

Aside from the chilling clowns roaming the park, there was a pretty real scare that took place. A Knott's rollercoasters crash! Our group had split in two; a few of us heading into a maze and the others headed to Pony Express - the ride that crashed. Luckily they decided to skip the ride. Thank goodness because they probably would have been on it when it one of the carts collided into another. Despite the several helicopters flashing their spotlights on the rollercoaster for hours, luckily nobody sustained any major injuries.

The only thing missing was my Halloween Haunt partner, Stephanie, of Thoughts From Cali, who didn't get to join me. We usually go every year. In fact, two years ago I blogged about one of our Knott's Scary Farm trips.

While I had a pretty great time with some of my other friends, I definitely missed Steph! Next year we will resume our tradition again, though.

Has anyone else been to Knott's Scary Farm? If so, what is your favorite part? Mine is the mazes!


  1. That looks like so much fun!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. You look gorgeous! There is a ski spot the next town over that they turn into a haunted theme park... nothing like the one near you. I took my daughter & some friends and hid behind her son's eight year old son the whole time... ( I pretended like I was protecting him but made him go in front)! xo

  3. I was just thinking yesterday that I really want to find a good haunted house to go to! I love being scared (in a controlled environment) as well, and I need to do something drastic like that to get into the Halloween spirit. Though I gotta say, the idea of a roller coaster crash is the scariest of all, and now I'm gonna be anxious about getting on roller coasters, ugh!

  4. i haven't been to that one either! i do want to try though, but i kinda know i'm gonna back out at the last second. haha. ;)

    <3, Mimi

  5. Sounds like so much fun! Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Great to meet u and your blog :)

    Have a fabulous weekend!

  6. That looks deliciously scary!! And heaps of fun! We don't do Halloween in Australia and I really feel like we're missing out.

  7. i'm kinda embarrassed that i haven't been to knott's scary farm. every year i see all the decorations and swear i'm gonna go, but don't. you're really getting me in the spirit!!

    hope you have a great weekend :)


  8. OMG! I used to LOVE Knott's Scary Farm! I lived in SoCal for a few years as a preteen/early teen and went a couple of times then. Probably my favorite thing on earth at the time! Last time I was there was about a decade or so ago though.

  9. ooh, but the roller coaster crash? um... not a very cool scary!

  10. Sounds like a blast...minus the crash of course!

  11. oh my gosh, looks like the greatest fun ever!!!

    You are all making me incredibly jealous of halloween!!!

  12. Sounds like fun; wish I could go one year :)

  13. I just can't get into the dressing up thing! I enjoy the holiday (especially giving little ones candy. They are always so adorable!). But you always look great and in spirit!

  14. You are brave, girl! I don't know why I'm such a baby, but I cannot handle people jumping out at me. I'm determined to find out what happened in my childhood that has turned me into such a puss!
    Your pictures are fabulous though, and as always, you look gorgeous :)

  15. That is mega awesome! I love the costumes! Knotts definetly rocks!

  16. This really looks like a lot of fun! Wish I could go ;)

  17. I LOVE Halloween! I used to go to Knott's all the time, it's where my hubby and I had one of our first dates =)

  18. This looks like such a blast! I love Halloween!

  19. This looks like so much fun! I love when theme parks have special events for Halloween, they really get you in the spirit!

  20. Even though Halloween usually scares me, this looks like so much fun! Dressing up and really enjoying the occasion is always perfect :)

  21. Okay, Knott’s sounds 100 times better than Six Flags Fright Fest (that’s all we really have around here). Halloween really is such a fun time of the year. I really love a good scare and I’m bummed we haven’t done any haunted attractions around my way.

    I love the pic of you with the creepy clown, but that is really scary about the coaster crash. I’m glad you and your friends weren’t on it!

  22. Looks like soooooo much fun. Kinda miss it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

  23. So sweet of you! I am so sorry I could not make it this year....Looks like I missed out on a good time, at least we got to go to the corn field maze together.


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