Friday, December 17, 2010

Puppy Love!

In addition to being MIA due to my Dominican Republic trip, I have another reason that I haven't been posting regularly. I got a puppy! First let me say I love the little thing, but geeze! I feel like a single mother. This little girl is hard to take care of!

A few months back a friend of my brother had a pit bull that got a basset hound. No joke. Let's just say this guy is a moron. I've never met him but I hate him. They didn't want the puppies in the house because they cried too much. Well yeah, duh! They are babies. Babies cry! The solution was to keep the pups outside (at the time it was raining). These poor things were only weeks old. Being huge animal lovers, my amazing parents took in all four puppies at six weeks old, in addition to our own two dogs.

After a lot of pooping all over, long sleepless nights, and a few vet trips, they managed to find homes for all of the little cuties - one of which was me!

Not gonna lie, it's lonely living alone and I really miss having my own dog. I've been wanting one but was afraid of the commitment. However, since this little girl just kinda fell into my lap, I went with it.

Meet Coco!

Female dogs can be very protective so I am looking forward to taking her on hikes and not being afraid of LA weirdos. I'll feel safe with her.

I am hoping she doesn't get too big since I'm used to lap dogs. I'm thinking the basset hound in her will keep her pretty short and thick. This chubbers is only three months old (today actually) and already weighs 13 pounds!

She goes to the bathroom on the carpet, bites the heck out of me, and eats everything. But I am already so attached! Can't wait to watch her grow.


  1. oh my gosh!! she's soooo cute!!! love the name coco.

    p.s. new follower!

  2. coco is adorable! Congratulations! Crate training is your friend.

  3. Oh, Coco is a cutie! I actually think puppies are more work than babies but with that said... the love they give back is soooo worth it!! Have a great weekend. xo

  4. She's adorable. You'll make a great mommy and she'll be your protector.

  5. such an adorable dog..I have also now a puppy a gift from my fiance.

  6. That puppy is ADORABLE. I wanna play with her!

  7. She is SO adorable!!!! I badly want a pet of my own soon!!

  8. Awww, so adorable! I want a dog so bad.

  9. Omg, Leann - she is the most precious thing I have ever seen (besides Cooper, of course!) ;)
    I'm so happy that your family cared enough that they brought all the puppies in - I'm such an animal lover, and stories of them being hurt or neglected (seriously) breaks my heart!
    Good luck with the training - we had to hire a trainer for Coop, he was AWFUL at first, and now if it rains, he stays on this towel until we wipe his paws! Talk about a transformation! You'll definitely have one too with little Miss Coco! :) (Cutest name EVER by the way!).

  10. i <3 coco! rocco <3 coco too! haha :p don't worry, coco will get out of the bad habits soon! :)

  11. very cute. yes, the puppy stage is very difficult. i'm with katieperk... crate train. our pixel loves to sleep in her crate at night and she's also crated whenever we leave the house. good luck! pam

  12. awwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!

    i'm already attached too! OMG she's adorable!!! congrats and i love her name.

  13. I didn’t know that you got a puppy! She is adorable and what a combination with a Pit Bull and Basset Hound. I love her name! She’ll make an awesome companion and I know what it’s like to have a pup. Chase will be 4 in April and it feels like just yesterday that we got him. Like Katie said, crate training is your friend :)

    Your parents are awesome for taking the puppies in and finding good homes for all of them.

  14. That was so sweet of you to take in the dog! I want on so badly but, like you, am afraid that it will take too much time. I'm waiting for just the right time. Thanks for stopping over to my blog! I'm following you now too!

  15. Ahh, she is so stinkin' adorable, Leeann!! Dogs are so much work but totally worth it. Enjoy your new baby!

  16. So cute!! Hope that doofus got his dog fixed :(


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