Saturday, February 5, 2011

Take Me Home Tonight

Tonight I had the pleasure and privilege of attending an advanced screening of the soon-to-be-released movie, "Take Me Home Tonight". Starring Topher Grace and Anna Faris, the movie is set in 1988 Los Angeles and is a real throwback to the 80s film genre, complete with pining love, a crazy sidekick, and totally rad tunes! No, literally I want the soundtrack...although the film's namesake song "Take Me Home Tonight" by Eddie Money was noticeably missing. Bummer!

I was lucky enough to attend the screening which was held at the MGM Studios in Los Angeles thanks to an invite by the wonderful Yolanda of Single Mama in LA. It was pretty amazing to be in there. The theater where we watched the film had over-sized leather seats and was reminiscent of a 1920s theater. We were pretty sure that's where important people go to screen films. For just under two hours, we felt pretty important, too.

Before the movie started Toper Grace, who also worked as a producer, introduced the film to the eager audience. He definitely has the same wit and charm that many of his onscreen characters do. Quick and clever. He's also sort of cute in a way.

The movie was entertaining and I'd give it 3 out of 5 stars. Not only did it make me laugh, it also made me think about my life. Matt Franklin, the main character played by Grace, spends the film trying to decide what to do with his life after college graduation. We've all been there. I am pretty sure I am there now.

I really think the best movies are those that you ponder after they are over, and this one did that for me. It made me realize that it's important to go for what you want and make things happen.

As opposed to giving away the whole movie, I'll let you all watch it for yourselves. "Take Me Home Tonight" will be in US theaters March 4, 2011. Check it out!

Cue Eddie Money...

Photo courtesy of: Fusion Mag and IMBD


  1. Ooh it sounds like a great movie! I love Topher Grace and Anna Faris. I'll definitely check it out!

    {the premiere sounds like it was amazing!}

  2. Can I admit to a weird little crush on Topher Grace?! Can't wait to check this out, even though it will probably be sometime next century before it makes it to Sweden!!

  3. I love that song and this movie is right up my alley! Anything 80's and I'm all in. There used to be an 80's club around here called Polly Esther's. They would have Fast Times at Ridgemont High and other equally great 80's flicks on the various screens around the club and blare nothing but pure 80's goodness. I was more than bummed when it closed.

    The theater you got to see the film in sounds really special and I think it's kind of cool Topher Grace was there.

    Fun night!

  4. I am so down for anything 80's! It sounds awesome!

  5. i love early screenings of movies! and you made me super excited about this one :)

    anna faris is sort of a genius i think. i love the way she always goes balls out in her comedies. she doesn't seem to be afraid of anything!

  6. Sounds like a good movie cant wait to see it.

  7. Wow sounds like sucha great way to watch a movie. That Topher is quite attractive isn't he??

  8. I am so glad you came with me! I thought about the movie later and it was a total 80's throwback. Like John Hughes and Cameron Crow rolled into one. I love that we were like two of the sixty people invited in! LOL.

    I'll keep you updated when I get more of these. Maybe we just stay away from the AFI screenings and just do studio ones from now on? LOL. Cause we are VIP's of course.

  9. I love what you say about pondering after movies. sSo true :)

  10. I love Topher Grace! This sounds like a great movie. Thanks for the review!


  11. Sounds like a movie that is well worth checking out. Thanks!

  12. what a fun opportunity to see it before it was even released, you lucky girl! glad it made you laugh, i'll have to remember to see it when it comes out in March!


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