Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fashion Fridays: I Love San Fran!

Hello friends! It's Fashion Friday. Be sure to link up with Kori of Blonde Episodes and join in on the blog hop fun!

I Love San Fran by LeeannM

Lately, San Francisco has been on my mind so I decided to display my ideal SF outfit. From the tunic to the pumps, this is exactly what I'd wear for a night out on the town (hopefully with the wonderful Claire of Bicoastally!!).


  1. Love the outfit girl. :) And yes, I love and even miss SF too!!!

  2. Love the outfit! It is amazing! And SF is such a great city, I was there last summer and I really want to go back =)

  3. What a beautiful outfit and SF is so amazing! Have a fantastic Friday, my dear
    Kisses and hugs

  4. Loooove the shoes! I've always wanted to go to San Fran, but never got quite that far up north when I was in California... I feel a trip coming on. :)

  5. Gorgeous outfit, love that summer top!

  6. I love that top and those shoes! There are so many SF posts today, it must be the place to go!!

  7. You can imagine how excited I was to see the title of this post!!! :) I loooooove that top (and the metallic braided bracelet!) and I'm dreaming up all the places we would go--eeeeek!

  8. Love those pumps! Thanks for linking up today LeeAnn!!!! Have a great day sweetie. Kori xoxo

  9. That top is ADORABLE -- I love it!
    xo Josie

  10. Great outfit! I too love San Francisco! If the climate was a little better I'd move there in a hearbeat!

  11. I'm heading to San Fran tomorrow! And I'd totally wear an outfit like this!

  12. i love everything on your "i love san fran" collage. even though i'm a socal girl at heart, SF is one of my fave cities.

  13. lovely outfit you put together, Ive been to SF a few times and it has always been so lovely there, its one of my fav US cities!

  14. Great idea! I kight do a "While in Athens" post! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. See you soon!

  15. Gorgeous outfit. I particularly like the black dress with the white shoes.


  16. how cute! you'd definitely rock SF in that outfit on your ladies night out.

  17. umm I must own that tunic. If only it were cheaper! Great pics miss thang!

  18. That's a great outfit for a night out and the white platforms would pop against the black. Love it!

  19. Oh I just went to San Francisco like a week and a half ago! SO FUN! Totally wrote about it on my blog haha! Great shoeeesss!

    Ashley Sloan


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