Wednesday, September 7, 2011

May the odds be ever in your favor

I finally finished The Hunger Games trilogy on Thursday night! Of course, my favorite book out of the three was The Hunger Games. I am SOOO excited for the movie to come out...and that's an understatement.

I'll admit that I am usually not much of a reader. Sadly I tend to gravitate to really bad reality TV as opposed to anything intellectual, but I am trying to change that. Thus my obsession with The Hunger Games. Strangely I read all three books in four days each. Would have read them faster if damn work wouldn't have gotten in the way.

What are you pinning? Head over to The Vintage Apple to link up with Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesday. And if you'd like a new friend, add me on Pinterest. I'll add you back :)

And onto What the Hell Wednesday, created by the amazing Christianna of The Girl With the Blue Bow. This week I have a perfect what the hell - a big fat bruise right on my hamstring courtesy of my dad. Yup, my own father!

Two weeks ago we were playing softball - I was a base runner on second and he was the batter. Then it happened a HARD line drive hit straight at me. As soon as it came off the bat I knew it was going to hit me so I turned around figuring I'd rather get hit in the back than the front. The second it smacked into the back of my leg I yelled several profanities and the pain intensified.

My bruise was gnarly and so was the lump that accompanied the bad boy. The pictures above was taken about a day before it really got bad. It turned into a blackish purple. Luckily it's getting better because it's not a good look!

P.S. Sorry for the near butt experience!!


  1. Holy bruise!! That looks painful!

    The Hunger Games was my favorite of the series too. Can't wait for the movie.

  2. As you may know... I'm obsessed with The Hunger Games. If there's a midnight viewing, I'll be there! lol

  3. Cant wait for the hunger games movie!!!!

  4. I've heard so many good things about the Hunger Game, I guess it's about time I read it! Hope your bruise starts healing soon! What a doozie...

  5. ive never heard of this series...but I def gravitate towards reality TV. I feel like my life is Bravo TV! haha

  6. umm are you kidding me with that bruise??? That look awesome though, I love bruises for some reason. Battle scar!

    OK, so my BFF keeps insisting I need to read Hunger Games. I have to finish Something Borrowed and Something Blue and THe Girl WIth the Drago Tattoo, but once I am done with thoes .... Hunger Games is up next. Holla!

  7. I'm like 10 pages away from finishing Mockingjay. Such a good series. I can't wait until the movies come out!

  8. I'm still on the fence about these books. Everyone's raving about them but I'm afraid that they're totally being hyped up (much like that b.s. book Something Borrowed). I'll probably give in, after seeing the movie haha.

    Holy cow that's one gnarly bruise!

  9. You should totally have said that bruise was a Hunger Games injury- we totally would have bought it!

    Can't wait for that movie to come out!

  10. Hello, bruise! Yikes!

    I too am very excited for the Hunger Games movie! Loved the books so I can't wait!

  11. OMG! That bruise is awful! I remember some gross ones when I played softball too. Not pretty. I hope it’s hurting less at least!

    I still haven't started Mockingjay! It's sitting on my nightstand right now. I hope to tonight, I've just been so busy. I can't wait for the movie either!

  12. I still have not read this series. But everyone who has raves about it. I am going to have to add these to my to-read list.

    That is a nasty bruise. Ouch!

  13. I still need to read teh Hunger Games, everyone raves about it!!! I cannot wait to start, I better hurry up before the movie!

  14. I just read the Hunger Games series too and I loved it! I really liked the first and second book, the third was a little more far out, but the whole series was excellent! You can check out my review here:

  15. I so need to read that book, and man that bruise looks awful!

  16. I freaking LOVE your pins this week! "The Hunger Games" are really fantastic! I'm glad you enjoyed them so much!

    And that bruise is so gnarly. I'm sorry, that looks like it hurts so bad. Hope it's feeling better.
    (the reason I don't play sports...)

  17. I'm so sorry about your leg, doll! I hope you're feeling better... I haven't read The Hunger Games but I keep hearing that I have to!
    xo Josie

  18. I'm so glad you loved The Hunger Games! It's pretty much all anyone at work talks about these days. Can't wait for the movie!!

  19. I've read the first book - now waiting to borrow the other books to finish! I couldn't put it down. Can't wait for the movie too!

  20. I'm a handful of pages away from finishing book one... BUT I dunno if I can handle the movie, I'm a wuss!

  21. That bruise is crazy!
    And Hunger Games is one of my favorite trilogies! I love, love, love them! Cannot wait for the movie! It cannot come soon enough.

  22. Youre like the 4th blogger to talk about The Hunger Games... I must read them now!

  23. I liked the first book. I LOVED the second book. And I didn't care for the 3rd book. Why is that? I feel like she kinda rushed it a little bit and it didn't turn out how I expected it to. But, I'm still looking forward to the movie!!! Almost as much as the Twilight movie coming 11-11-11!

  24. I've had The Hunger Games on my "to-read" list for a while now. I can't wait to see the movie, hopefully I can make time to read the book first.

  25. That bruise is bad ass and ummm, your legs look great!

    I read Hunger Games but not the other two--I think I need to reread the first one before I take on the whole series. But oh, my list of books to read is LONG!

  26. Holy crazy bruise!!! That thing is serious! Hope it heals soon...

    And I need to read Hunger Games! I heard the series is pretty great.

  27. Oh man!!! That bruise is INSANE!! They have a cream at walgreens and if you rub it into it, it speeds up the healing process but it hurts sooo bad to rub it in!

    I love love loved the Hunger Games series! I can't wait for the movie!

  28. oh my gosh, your bruise is awful. :( I've really badly stubbed my toe this past weekend (killing) and then, embarassing but true, literally smacked my head while getting into a car. like major. OUCH. Hope you feel better soon.

    ps: just started reading HG. Eager to keep going before the movie comes out.

  29. What a bruise, OUCH!

    The Hunger Games is great. I love the series but the first book is also my favorite. I am glad I somehow convinced my husband to read it. He was so against it because he is a huge Battle Royale fan (sort of like a Japanese version of the Hunger Games). Now we can go watch the movie together.

    Anyone who hasn't read the book, I always tell them to read the series. My brother-in-law who NEVER reads, picked it up because his wife left it lying around and he read it and loved it.

  30. i loooove the hunger games triolgy and I'm so excited for the movie! a family friend is working on the movie and they're wrapping up filming this week (: and holy bruise! that doesn't look fun :( hope it's better!!

  31. yay for finishing the hunger games trilogy! i can't wait for the movie either and my favorite out of the three was hunger games too. ;)

    p.s. woooooaaahhh, that bruise is serious! i'm glad it's getting better!

    <3, Mimi
    $25 Apothica Gift Card Giveaway :)

  32. Ouch!!! That looks really painful... sowwwiiieee!!!
    Does it still hurt?


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