Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ghosts on the Boardwalk

Continuing with the Plenty to Be Thankful For challenge, today's theme is YouTube. I am thankful for YouTube because it allows me to listen to my favorite bands and drool over the hot lead singers!

Saturday I went to see one of my favorite bands, the Bouncing Souls, at the Troubadour in Los Angeles. It was really cool, they played for four days and each night performed two of their albums in their entirety. We chose to go to the last night because not only was it their last night in LA, but their last night of the tour. So basically the big finale. They played The Gold Record and Ghosts on the Boardwalk - check them out! Even if you're not into punk, these albums can be appreciated by everyone, at least I think. Of course, the band didn't disappoint!

Here are a few pictures I snapped. Sorry for the poor quality. Although I was front/side stage, the lighting made it hard to get a clear picture.

And of course I have to post a Bouncing Souls video since today's theme is YouTube. Note lead singer, Greg Attonito, ahhh that voice and face make me so happy :)

Manic Mother


  1. loved this! any sharing of music is good in my book :)

  2. I love it when band’s play an entire album. I have yet to see one, but I think it’s such a fun idea! That first blue picture is really cool!

  3. I'm so glad you had a great time at the show and went on the best night! That's so awesome they were performing two albums for each show.

    You know how much I love live music, so I'm sure this was a blast.

    I just listened to the song you posted and I liked it. Being that I'm not a huge fan of Punk, that's a good thing :)

  4. thanks for introducing us to this fun little band! you have good taste in music.

  5. I've never heard of these guys before! From the song they sound good. Not really my style, but still good music! So fun!

  6. I've never heard of them but I really like the song!
    xo Josie

  7. Looks like a fun time! I love going to live shows. Thanks so much for linking up!

  8. looks like a great concert!! Glad you had fun.

    Classic & Bubbly

  9. LOVE it :) So awesome!
    THANKS for linking up with us today!

  10. Looks like such a fun night! And you were so close ... Amazing!

  11. Looks like an awesome concert, I have never heard of these guys before will have to check them out.

  12. oh yes, youtube rocks! i have dance parties with just myself and youtube and it's always a grand time.

    never heard of this bouncing souls band but hey youtube will fill be in!


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