Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Blogger Meetups

Today I am guest posting over at
Blonde Episodes. Please stop by and check out my Christmas in LA post!


The last few days I have been lucky enough to do two blogger meetups. One was with Claire of Bicoastally last week while I was vacationing in San Francisco and the other was this weekend in Los Angeles hosted by Joelle of Something Charming.

Joelle arranged for several L.A. bloggers to meet at Taste on Melrose (one of my fav places to dine!) for brunch. It was wonderful! Good food, great conversation, and meeting ladies who love blogging. Also in attendance were Julie of Smitten Mintons, Amanda of Beginning of Everything, and a non-blogger, Tiffany. Here are a few group photos courtesy of Amanda:

Me, Tiffany, Joelle, Amanda, Julie

Tiffany and me

Amanda, Tiffany, me, Joelle, and Julie

And take a look at what I ordered. Bottomless mimosas for $14 and the porcini mushroom omelette yum!

As for my meetup with Claire, it was more of a reunion. I met Claire in person earlier this year and we really hit it off and bonded right away. She's amazing and I highly recommend you check out Bicoastally if you aren't familiar with her blog.

Since I was in her neck of the woods we went to a restaurant that she recommended, farmerbrown. It was the perfect Southern meal. I ordered the ribs and a side of cheese grits and really enjoyed it. But even more than the food, I enjoyed my company! It was like Claire and I were old friends that had never been apart.

Claire and me

Looking forward to many more meetups with these wonderful ladies in the future!

The rest of the week will focus on my San Fran trip. So I hope you're ready for photo overloads ;)


  1. Jealous! Claire is awesome & one of my faves!! I love that y'all bonded like old friends. That is the best! The blog world is so amazing :)

  2. that brunch looks amazing...bottomless mimosas are the best!

  3. Leeann, it all looks like such a wonderful time. It's so nice to be able to meet the people you blog with daily. Fun!

  4. So fun!!! I’ve got a few new blogs I need to go check out!

  5. How fun!! I live in LA, too, and would love to join in next time!

    La Petite Gigi

  6. It was SO great to meet you! Can't wait for the next one! :) And I thought I was already following you....I fixed that now!

  7. Yay, for blogger meet ups! They are the best things ever! We still need to meet up at some point!

  8. you know what? you and claire even look like old friends. makes my heart smile.


  9. All of this looks so delicious! Thanks for sharing. I'm loving your blog!

  10. Ooooh my gosh all that food is making me HUNGRY!! So jealous of your meet-ups, they look like a ton of fun :)

  11. How fun! I love blogger meet-ups, it's always so much fun to hang out and talk versus reading about what's going on.

  12. Looks like an amazing get-together. I need to get together with some fellow bloggers soon!

  13. Aw, this looks like such a blast! You look darling.
    xo Josie

  14. oooh, blogger meetups sound fun! and all that food is making me so hungry. ;)

    <3, Mimi
    $100 Shopbop Gift Card Giveaway

  15. Both of these meetups look like a blast and I just know what great company you would be. I remember you talking about Taste on Melrose before and I was drooling over the Mac n Cheese. Bottomless mimosas don't sound bad either!

    I love your cute hair braid! I swear your hair always looks gorgeous.


Thanks for visiting and commenting! I love making new blogging buddies :)