Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Emma to the Third Degree

Emma Roberts, Stone, and Watson all have three things in common: they are young Hollywood, up-and-coming actresses, and all seem to have promising futures ahead of them. They're talented, beautiful, and, as of now, not part of the party scene. Hopefully the days of talented young adults wasting their lives away with drugs and alcohol is going out of style because these ladies are on the fast track to serious starlet status.

Emma Roberts
Born February 10, 1991
Daughter of Eric Roberts and niece of Julia Roberts
First big role was in the movie Nancy Drew

Emma Stone
Born November 6, 1988
Her natural hair color is blonde
First big role was in Superbad

Source: tumblr.com via Leeann on Pinterest

Emma Watson
Born April 15, 1990
Appeared on the cover of Teen Vogue at 15 (youngest ever for Teen Vogue)
First big role was in Harry Potter

I'm really glad that young women are working hard and staying focused. It's so refreshing these ladies also serve as great role models.


  1. Love them! They're all so pretty & talented... I should hate them but I don't. LOL

  2. I did a post on Emma Stone today too! She is a major girl crush!

  3. I don't know why but Emma Roberts kinda bugs me. I love the other two though. A lot!

  4. They make me feel so old. But I love them.

  5. So refreshing!!! Love me some Emma Stone.

  6. I love love love this post! The Emmas are all fabulous! And I did not know that Emma Stone was a natural blonde!

  7. I love all three of those actresses. So gorgeous and so talented!

  8. I love all 3 of them! they are great role models and very talented.

  9. Love all three of them! Though Emma Stone has to be my favorite! I can't believe that I'm older then her, that's crazy! Such an awesome group of talented ladies! I wish them all the best in this crazy world!

  10. Love them!! Emma Stone is definitely my favorite, her movies are all so great and funny and she seems so quirky and just as funny in real life!
    p.s. congrats on winning Magan's giveaway! you deserve it (:

  11. Excellent point! It's really nice to get away from news about drug-addled celebriteens. So glad young girls have people to look up to.

  12. I seriously adore all 3 of these young ladies, they seem to have really good heads on their shoulders.

  13. Your blog is SO cute!! We love this post - all the dresses are amazing.

    Wardrobe Stylists, NYC.


  14. Omg I love all these ladies!

    Bonus points to Emma Stone for being born on my birthday!! (I'm just 4 years older thats all)

    Great post!

    Sending you sunshine,

    Rachael @ You Me and Natalie

  15. I couldn't agree more! The days of acting reckless and partying are so played out and these ladies really have their act together. I especially love Emma Stone. She's funny, beautiful and just seems like an all around cool chick.

  16. Love Emma Watson! Her campaign for Burberry was amazing

  17. i absolutely adore emmas 2 and 3. they are fantastic!

    emma roberts is alright but she's related to julia roberts so her talent was unfairly inherited.

  18. i like them all but of course emma stone is hilarious and emma watson was in HP! i like wholesome, (seem) normal girls

  19. I don't know if I could pick a favorite! I do love Emma Watson.
    xo Josie

  20. I love Emmas Stone and Watson! Such great actresses and they seem like nice people!

  21. i love these girls you posted today. they are young, fresh and i hope the lifestyles of hollywood don't screw them up.

  22. I love Emma Watson's hair! And I didn't know that about Stone. She looks so good as a red head!

    xoxo navy & orange

  23. I just commented but not sure it went through?

    I would say these 3 are 3 of my favorite actresses. Love their style. Something so classic about them!

  24. Emma Stone is GORGEOUS!! I didn't know she was a blonde! Red looks good on her!!

  25. My favorite out of these three is Emma Stone. And, sadly, can't stand her as a natural blonde. ;( Hahaha!

  26. I'm really looking forward to what all 3 of those ladies will bring us in the years to come!


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