Wednesday, May 9, 2012

New Orleans: Recap 1

Where to begin? As many of you know, about a week ago I traveled to New Orleans for a vacation with one of my good friends. We were there for five nights and about six days so we were on the go the whole time. From tours, to dining, to music, I am happy knowing that we did everything we wanted to!

The first night we had dinner on a patio, listened to live jazz, had local food and beers. Then we headed off to a ghost tour of the French District organized through Magic Tours. It was very informative - from creepy to historical stories! As you'll read, I have an obsession with ghost tours. They're great ways to learn about the city and be a little spooked at the same time. I highly recommend ghost tours when on vacation!

The next morning we were up and off to Cafe du Monde as suggested by everyone. The line was long but went by really quickly. The beignets were good but not as amazing as I expected. I think there was just too much hype from everyone. The one tip I will give is: have cash and know what to order before or quickly after sitting because they take your order right away and require cash upon the delivery of food.

After walking around and then finding the street cars we headed to the Garden District to sit on the porch at The Columns Hotel with Pimm's Cups in hand. It was refreshing since neither of us are used to humidity and we were both so hot. It was a nice calm before the storm because we then went on a two-hour haunted Garden District tour offered by Haunted History Tours.

This may have been my favorite part of the trip! Yes, it was humid, and we got sunburns, and our feet were blistering, but it was fun to hear ghost stories and get locked in a Layfayette Cemetery #1 with our guide (during the day - nobody is allowed in the cemeteries at night). Plus we walked around the neighborhood and saw amazing homes, some of which belong (or belonged) to Sandra Bullock, Anne Rice, Nicholas Cage, and John Goodman.

Sandra Bullock's home

Anne Rice's former home

Since we were in the area we headed to Magazine Street - which had a very cool vibe - and had dinner at a new place called Ignatius. Again we sampled local beers and for food I ordered the crawfish etouffee. It was the best meal I had on my trip. So good!

I'll be back tomorrow with my second recap! Stay tuned ;)


  1. I LOVE Cafe Du Monde! I'm jealous you got to eat there.

  2. New Orleans looks like such a fun place to visit

  3. Fun! And OMG...those beignets look amazing. Bread and powdered sugar=heavenly!

  4. I have been waiting for these recaps!! Looks like so much fun! I haven't had craw fish etouffee since the last time I was in NOLA and that was a long time ago. This place is on my list for sure when we go!!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  5. This looks like so much fun! And all those ghost tours! I think I would LOVE a ghost tour! I haven't been on one, but I'm making my friend go on the Jack the Ripper tour with me in London!

    The food looks so yummy too! Like seriously, I think I would just eat all day!

    Can't wait to hear more!

  6. I LOVE New's one of my favorite places on earth. My family spent many happy times there!

  7. seriously i will be living the dream through your trip re-caps! have always wanted to go to new orleans and cant wait to read more about the trip. cafe du monde is a must stop!!

  8. What a fun trip! I haven't been to New Orleans since I was like 13! I want to go back now that I'm of age and can see what all of the Bourbon St hype is about! It's such a fun southern city :)

  9. I scrolled fast past those beignets because my mouth will be watering for days if I look too long! Haha. Pictures look great! I get to go home in two weeks and cannot wait ! Your pictures make me miss home so much! I can't wait to eat some crawfish and yummy spicy food! Can't wait for the next installment!

  10. This looks like so much fun! And the cemetery shots remind of that one scene from Double Jeopardy! Looking forward to the second part of your recap :)

  11. How fun! I haven't been to New Orleans yet but hope to soon... these photos make me want to go even more! It looks like such a blast.

  12. CAFE DU MONDE......I just fainted. LOVE, big love. I need a beignet in my life.

  13. Your trip looks amazing, I can't wait to see part 2. I'm crossing my fingers that I'll get to visit NOLA in 2013!

  14. I am so jealous. I want to go to New Orleans. pics are lovely.

  15. this is so amazing! i really want to go back to orleans. ;) and how amazing is cafe du monde and their beignets??? :D

    <3, Mimi

  16. I love this....I really want to go now! Once I do, I'll need some info...hehehehe. :)

  17. I've ALWAYS wanted to go to New Orleans! Gorgeous and oh, those beignets!
    xo Josie

  18. OMG those beignets look so delicious!!

  19. I am dying to go to New Orleans. It just seems like such a fun city!

    I have always wanted to do a ghost tour or go to a ghost town. Road trip?

  20. I am glad to hear you had a great time. As much as I am a bit terrified of cemeteries, I think cemeteries in NOLA are so interesting and unique. I would definitely have to do the tour.


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