Sunday, July 22, 2012

Under the Weather

That picture sums up my weekend, and last week. I got sick last Monday and it's lingered on. Just as soon as I thought I was getting better on Thursday, I woke up feeling worse on Friday and had to make a trip to urgent care where I finally got antibiotics.

Unfortunately I didn't get to go sailing like I had been looking forward to for months :( We rescheduled for September so at least I'll still get to go eventually.

And sadly, that sums up my weekend. I am counting on YOU to have had a better time! Join the Weekend Update blog hop and share what you've been up to. Here's how it works: grab our button, add it to your post about your weekend, and submit your link below!


  1. aw, sweet girl so sorry you didn't get to go sailing :( Hope you're feeling 100% ASAP! XOXO

    PS- going to grab to your button for my side bar ;)

  2. I'm so sorry to hear you're not feeling well, the worst is when it lingers on all week and you probably got a headache even blogging. Hope you feel better soon and that you can go sailing soon


  3. Oh bummer. I was so excited to live vicariously through your sailing adventures, Gilligan. Hope you're feeling better!

  4. Oh no! I'm sorry you got sick! That's never fun, and it makes it worse that you were really looking forward to this weekend. :( bummer, but I hope you're starting to get all better now.

  5. You poor thing! I hope you feel better soon! Don't we always get sick when we have big plans?

  6. I'm sorry your not feeling well! My weekend wasn't all that fun either! Glad we can live vicariously through our link-up ;) Hope you feel better soon!

  7. Sad you couldn't go but I thought you had to reschedule it. Would not have been a lot of fun for you. Glad you can go in September. Yay.

    Hope you feel better today.


  8. Aw sorry you weren't feeling well. Hope you get better soon :(

    Thanks for the guest post!

  9. Yuck! Stinks to be sick on the weekend--hope you're feeling better:)

  10. Aw man, bummer! I hate getting sick. Especially on the weekend! That picture of Tom Cruise on the magazine is pretty rough. Sheesh.


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  11. yuck! Sorry you're not feeling well!

  12. Awe, man! That stinks! I am so sorry that you can't kick this stuff. I hope you feel better soon!! Love and hugs coming your way!

  13. You poor thing. I'm sorry you were sick and couldn't go sailing. What a bummer. Hope you are feeling better!

  14. Get well soon...
    Have a wonderful week ahead.

  15. My mom would encourage you to take a shot of fireball to "burn that shit out of your system." Mary-fucking-Poppins.

    Hang in there Leelee!

  16. sorry you didnt get to go sailing! hope you get to feeling better soon mama!


  17. I hope those antibiotics kick in soon!!

  18. Oh no! I'm sorry you didn't get better in time for sailing! Rest up so you can get back into the swing of things. Does it make you feel better to know that your necklace is probably shipping to me today? The shop owner emailed me!!

  19. I hope you start felling better soon! I just joined your blog hop!

    New follower :)

    The Pretty Pinhead

  20. oh no :(. I had a sore throat all last week and I thought it was from running the AC. It wasnt bad enough to keep me from doing anything. Bummer you didnt get to go sailing

  21. So sorry you're still feeling sick! :( I happen to think Tom Cruise (LOVE him!) is the perfect remedy to anything, so gossip magazines with him on the cover should have you feeling better in no time! ;) My weekend consisted of watching Tom in "Top Gun" ;) Bummed you didn't get to go sailing, but now this just gives you something to look forward to in September ;) Feel better soon sweet girl!

  22. i'm happy you were able to reschedule your sailing trip! i hope you were able to get tons of rest this past weekend and i hope you are feeling better! :)

    <3, Mimi

  23. Hope you're feeling better soon!

    What are Tom's secret plans for Suri? Tee hee...

  24. oh noooo!!! I'm so sorry that you were sick and had to miss sailing :( That stinks. But at least you still have it to look forward to! I hope you're feeling better!

  25. Bummer! I hate when weekends are wasted on being sick! At least you got to reschedule sailing! Hope you're feeling better!

  26. Can't wait to start participating in this linkup!! :)


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