Thursday, August 23, 2012

Huntington Dog Beach

Monday I had the day off and decided it was time to finally get to the beach. I mean, I live in Southern California and the coast is less than an hour from me (and only 30minutes if I head to Santa Monica!). Logically I should be there at least once a month, minimum. So I headed to Huntington Dog Beach with my mom and dog for some surf and sand.

Unfortunately there was far more sand than surf during our outing. My dog has only been to the beach three times and hasn't quite embraced the cold Pacific Ocean, and the high tide that day wasn't helping. All in all we spent two hours there and had a fun time. If you live in SoCal (or visit) Huntington Dog Beach is a great place to take your furry friend. There's lots of space to run around and explore. You'll find it just west of Goldenwest.


  1. It looks SO gorgeous there...I could totally use a beach day :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  2. So gorgeous! We live near the beach but don't go nearly often enough. So relaxing.

  3. The beach looks nice and inviting! Wish I lived that close to the ocean!! Cute dog!

  4. This looks so beautiful!! You definitely do need to take more trips there, miss. It's too pretty not too!

  5. Absolutely gorgeous! And such a fun place for a pup to spend the day!

  6. How fun!! My girls would just love to run and play on that beach!

  7. This is so gorgeous! What a great way to spend your day off.
    xo Josie

  8. Aw looks like fun! The dog beaches here aren't nearly as nice (not that it matters cause princess Hawkeye would never touch the sand, I just know it) but that one looks so pretty! Great photos.

  9. Oh how fun! I wish I lived near a dog beach.

  10. That's it...I want to move!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  11. Wish I was there right now! Beautiful place. <3

  12. Ah, la playa. I only go when it's a three-day weekend. Which is 3 times a year during beach season in NY. If I'm lucky!


  13. Pretty!!! We go to the ocean once a year (it's about 2 1/2 hours), but it's always cold, all year long. Not the same at all! Why don't you go to the beach more often?

  14. LOVE HB! It's so incredibly nice living so close to the ocean.

    But I have yet to get a dog so I could take it to the dog beach. One day!


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