Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The BetrAyal

Who watches Pretty Little Liars? I sure do! One of the best shows on TV right now. Yes it's on ABC Family. And yes, it's categorized as a show for teens. But let's be real. Plenty of adult women love PLL. It's suspenseful and each week you're guessing what will happen next.

Last night's episode (season 3 finale) was no exception. The end provided a shock and a twist AND someone dies. Oh, the drama!

Each week I have a tradition of watching the show with Kate of Nautical By Nature. We've been doing this for the better part of the show's three seasons. We've even been to the Pretty Little Liars set together! Amazing.

Last night Kate hosted a Pretty Little Liars viewing party for Kathrin of Shop.School.Sleep., another friend, and me - it was a blast. We had fruity cocktails and delish food. There's nothing better than some good ol' fashioned girl time!

Did you see last night's episode? What did you think? Were you as shocked as me?

Photos courtesy of: me and Alloy Entertainment


  1. I love PLL my roommates from college and I skype/facetime and watch it lol. xo

  2. Um, pigs in a blanket? Yes, please!
    xo Josie

  3. I'm skipping right over this post because I'm three episodes behind. Waaaah! The food looks good though. :)

  4. What a fun tradition! I'm actually behind like a whole season, but I think one day I'll get back into it.

  5. That pasta looks amazing. How fun to watch it with girlfriends, cocktails, and yummy food! I haven't watched PLL yet, but now that I have netflix, it's gonna happen.

  6. Last night was CRAZY! I'm still digesting but my thoughts are the person that they said was the other "A" is actually doing it to perfect the girls. I mean he/she has to be?! So crazy and I loved every minute! Ps. I'm still reeling that you got to visit the set haha.

  7. I waited to read this until I had watched the latest episode on hulu this morning. I still don't know what to think!! I have a love/hate relationship with crazy twists

  8. I have not seen the show but I think I may be changing that! And the food looks yummy! What a fun little tradition.

  9. i definitely know a ton of adult women who are obsessed with this show!

    love the lilly mugs ;)

  10. As you know I LOVE PLL. LOVE. :) And yes I watched it, today sadly. Either way I watched it. And as funny as it may sound I was NOT surprised. From Season 2 or so on I was suspecting the unspeakable and voila...on a hot platter it was served last night. Not gonna say a thing because I may spoil it for a few people! :)

    LOVED the ending, cannot wait for next season, and well...I'm still jealous you saw the set and all. But you knew that. ;)


  11. AHH I need to see the episode and I can't wait!! I've been hearing from everyone how great it is; I can't wait to finally watch it!

  12. what?! i missed this because i don't watch this show?! not cool...that cake looks AMAZING

  13. PLL is my guilty pleasure but I don't have TV, so I can only rent it through the library when it comes out. So I'm a season behind. :(

  14. I'm watching season 2 right now and I LOVE the show! I hear it's kinda shocking, but I'm a season behind and I'm trying not to figure out what happened, but people aren't being very tight lipped, so we will see how that works out!

  15. OMG I MUST watch PLL! I feel like everyone LOVES it! I need to jump on that bandwagon :) Hope your week is going well my love!
    xoxo Darby
    Obviously Obsessed 

  16. I LOVE PLL and I missed the premiere! booo, i bet it was awesome!


  17. I think I'm going to have to start watching this as women my age (30's- AHHH!) enjoy it too. haha


  18. Everyone told me the finale was shocking and I thought everything was so predictable...until the very end. And now I'm just distraught.

  19. I don't watch Pretty Little Liars but I always hear about it from you. Is it as good as Revenge? I think I would like PLL but I am obviously behind and I don't even know what network, day and time it's on.

    I will have to check it out one day. lately, I like catching up on show all at once. It's easier when watching back to back episodes.

  20. I had to literally pick my jaw up off of the floor! I was so shocked!



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