Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Australia: Recap One

I'm finally back and blogging. A HUGE thank you to all of the wonderful ladies who filled in for me while I was away. If you didn't read their guest posts, go do it! They're all so much fun.

It feels like I was gone forever...because I was...three weeks to be exact. On the other hand, those three weeks flew by because I was working for the first two. And I mean working as in wake up times before 4am and bedtimes after 11pm, dealing with pouring rain while directing people where to go, and carrying around heavy metal barricades. I was sent to Australia for work - we produce large scale fundraising events and they are a lot of work.

Since I was so busy I really didn't get to see/do that much. I'll break down my recaps into three parts: Perth, Melbourne, and Sydney. Today is Perth. I had the least amount of time to explore here but saw the most important stuff - the animals! My co-worker and I rushed to Caversham Wildlife Park at the end of our last work day with only an hour to explore the park. Luckily it was a little rainy and we pretty much had the place to ourselves. We got to see crazy animals, pet koalas, and feed kangaroos!

Check out this beach I saw while working. I ran down to it to touch the water quickly and snap pictures. I believe it's called South Beach. The water was UNREAL!

Come back next Tuesday for my Melbourne recap!


  1. Gorgeous photos! I love your blog and I am now following you!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  2. So awesome!! I want to see Australia one day SO bad! Can't wait to read more of your recaps. :)

    Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  3. Annnnnnd, just what I was waiting to and a kangaroo!!! Love it. And that beach, holy mother! I can't wait to read Part 2 & 3! Welcome home!

  4. Gorgeous pictures. Glad to hear that you got some time to enjoy yourself. Welcome home!!

  5. Did you touch the koala's nose? I've always wanted to touch ones nose. They are so cute. Do they smell? So many important questions...

  6. Just so awesome that you got this opportunity! Love all of your pictures they are gorg! So fun :)

  7. Living vicariously right now. It looks like sooo much fun!
    xo Josie

  8. Woah, that looks like way too much fun! How awesome was that? You got to pet a koala? You're my hero!

  9. The animals are awesome! I love the owl. And is that a sloth? I absolutely love that last picture of you and your kangaroo buddy!!!

  10. INCREDIBLE. I'm literally amazed at your pictures of the animals. Are owls normally that ginormous? I'm a little bit scared of it!

  11. oh yay! you're back. and with gorgeous pictures :) love it!

  12. How fun...I love the koala pictures! My roommate in NYC was from Australia and she always talked about getting to hold koalas. I was so jealous!

  13. Australia is on my must-visit list --- love these photos! xoxo

  14. I seriously was living through you the whole time you were Instagram-ing pictures. I am beyond jealous of your trip and am so proud of you for going on it, and for such a long time! You're so beautiful and the trip looks absolutely incredible - can't wait for more updates!

  15. OMG... is that the kangaroo that I asked for that you're totally bringing to me when you come to Chicago?

  16. Look at all of those! Amazing! Glad you had a good time.

  17. omg so lucky! i would to see a koala and kangaroo up close! and that ocean view! beautiful!!!

  18. I think the Owl and the "myspace" kangaroo and the beach pictures are my fave

  19. Absolutely amazing pics!
    Love the kangaroo!


  20. Beautiful! That water truly is amazing! I'm glad you got to get out at least a little bit while you were there.

  21. Gorgeous!!!! And Koalas...ahhhhhh. Glad you got to snuggle, pet whatever them. :) and excuse me? Is that an owl? Or are my eyes just seeing something weird. It's huge! I think.

  22. lovedddd australia! i left a piece of my heart there bc i love it so. i visited during their winter. thanks for the trip down memory lane!

  23. Love your photos! I've always wanted to go to Australia!

  24. Welcome back!! I love koalas so much :)

    I can't believe 3 weeks went by already... it doesn't feel that long to me. EEK!

  25. Even though you had to work, I am extremely jealous!! I mean you touched a Koala!!

  26. I'm from Perth!!! Such a surprise to see that you came here, of all places! Yep the beach is South Beach in Fremantle! Did you manage to see the albino Kangaroo at the Wildlife park??


Thanks for visiting and commenting! I love making new blogging buddies :)