Monday, November 19, 2012

Vampires and Saints

This weekend was nice and relaxing so that means I have a quick Weekend Update. On Saturday I hung out with Kathrin of Shop.School.Sleep. I've convinced her she needs to love The Vampire Diaries so we've been working on getting through seasons one and two. Finally halfway through the second season! I can't wait 'til she catches up because seasons three and four are amazing!

Sunday I went to a local bar to catch the Saints game. I was literally the only Saints fan and surrounded by Raider fans. Luckily we blew Oakland out so they didn't give me any grief. If New Orleans keep playing like they are, there is an exciting few weeks in my future!

What did you do this weekend? Link up with me and my co-hosts Dana of five30three and Sami of Sami's Shenanigans and tell us all about it. We just ask that you follow these rules:

1. Blog about your weekend.
2. Add the badge (below) to your post.
3. Add the blog post link to the linkup below.

Photos courtesy of: Zimbio and Wikipedia


  1. Oh my!!! I'm obsessed with Vampire Diaries. The hubs and I started watching it on Netflix and a few weeks ago I got through season 3!!! Now I'm stuck until season 4 is on Netflix bc I'm too far behind in the current season.

  2. I must admit, I have never seen the Vampire Diaries either. Maybe I need to have a marathon watching of it?

  3. You're a brave girl for facing Raiders nation!

  4. It was a VERY good weekend for football, my dear. Very good.
    xo Josie

  5. Saints are on a roll!!! WHO DAT!!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  6. Love Vampire Diaries! Glad you've turned someone else on to such an amazing show :)

  7. It was a CRAZY weekend for football! I almost had heart failure watching the Texans play yesterday! Glad your boys won!! They are on a roll! :) Have a great week!!

  8. You saw the wrong vampires this weekend! Haha! I still haven't made it through the first season of TVD. Maybe I'll catch up over Christmas when nothing is on tv.

  9. I gave up football for lent. Which is great because my team sucks and I traded them for The Pack anyways. Green Bay 4 LYFE.

  10. ooh you might have to do some convincing with me too to watch vampire diaries, haven't gotten into that series yet. and good for you for being the only saints fan raiders fans just suck

  11. I am the only one at the house watching TVD. So sad. They all laugh at me for watching it but it's soooooo good! :)
    Oh well, we all know I'm certainly not missing out. ;)

  12. So glad I got to watch "with" you--love texting you during the games. And what a freakin' awesome victory! Now let's just hope we take down the Niners in the same fashion next week. At least we're at home!

  13. congrats on your win this weekend! us... not so much!! what are you gonna do ;)

  14. everyone should love vampire diaries!! :)

  15. i like vampire diaries too but then again who doesn't? i like last weeks episode because I'm always rooting for elena/damon tandem. hehe

  16. My sister is obsessed with Vampire Diaries, and she is trying to get me hooked I'm still on the fence though!

  17. The Vampire Diaries really is a show you just get addicted to... I'm hooked.

    I may have watched that game too... well I was reading while the boy watched it lol


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