Thursday, October 17, 2013

Travel Chic

Travel Chic

If I were independently wealthy I would travel non-stop. Forget buying nice houses and cars, I would just want to see the world. Since graduating college I have been pretty fortunate to go to new countries and explore US cities I've never been to at least once a year.
In two weeks I am SUPER excited to head up to Seattle. I get to stay with a blogging BFF, Christina of Easily Entertained, and take in the city for the first time. We're currently planning our itinerary out and I have no doubt it's going to be an epic long weekend. One thing I already have set in stone are comfortable, warm clothes like the outfit above!
What's your travel style?
Have a great weekend! See you back here Monday for Monday Morning Gossip!


  1. That coat is fabulous! And I agree with you- if I were wealthy, I would travel. All over, all the time!

  2. Great look! Love the navy top and that coat!

  3. love this look -- esp the navy with brown :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  4. Love this outfit!!! Have a great weekend in Seattle!!

    Best, Mree

  5. Love that coat and those boots!! I so wish I could travel more!

  6. that coat is very cool! Whenever I fly I like to wear something that looks nice and then change into sweats on the plane...especially if its a long flight!

  7. Oooh! I love this. Do you even own a coat? Haha! I'm so excited for your visit!!!

  8. Loving the coat...I cannot believe I took mine out today and wore it. Just it's not as pretty as the one you posted. :(

  9. Great Seattle outfit!

    I have yet to gone but I hear it's beautiful. I too want to travel more. Need to save up $$!


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