Tuesday, August 5, 2014

That Time I Turned 31


They say a lady never tells her age. Whatever, I'm 31 today. Since I still get mistaken for my early 20s (probably because I'm only 5'2") I'm fine with revealing my age. I do feel like I'm officially in my 30s now, though. Turing 30 last year was basically a bonus year to my 20s, but I think this birthday solidifies I'm I'm a new decade. 

But whatever, it's just a number right? I'm legit celebrating by going to see One Direction next week. Oops. I guess I'm not too worried I'm 31. 

Today I'm planning on doing something low key, and I didn't celebrate last weekend because it crept up on me. This weekend I'm headed to NYC so maybe I'll get in a few drinks then!


  1. Happy birthday! Nothing wrong with 31 (I'm 31, also)
    Hope you have a great birthday and you have an awesome time in NYC (I did that for my 30th and it was a LOT of fun!)

  2. Happy, HAPPY birthday, babe! You've got these 30's tackled, no problem. :)


  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY gurlie! Have a fantabulous day!

    I'm turing 31 in less than 2 weeks, and this one feels different too :-P

  4. Happy Birthday! Hope it's a great one!

  5. Happy birthday!! I hope you get a big 'ole birthday kiss from Harry! ;)

  6. Happy birthday!!!


  7. Happy Birthday!!! And cheers to the 31 club! I will be joining you in two week!

  8. Happy birthday!!! From me and Niall. And Harry, I guess.

  9. Happy Birthday!! Try being 4 feet lol people think I'm 12. Looking young will be in our favor when we're older :) 30s are supposedly a fun decade as we become more self assured so cheers to that!

  10. Very belated {although I did FB you and say hello on your special day} birthday greetings to you. Hope you had a great one. Happy 31st year of your fantastic life!!!!


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