Thursday, November 19, 2015

My First Five on Friday

It's my first time linking up for Five on Friday. Yay! So let's get right to it:

1. Going Back to iPhone. After switching to a Galaxy a year ago, for the camera, I finally switched back. I'm still getting the hang of it, so if you know of any new apps that have popped up since last August, send them my way!

2. Undateable. I'm headed to a taping of the show tonight. Be sure to look for me in the crowd ;)

3. Social Studio Shop. I'm trying to get back into blogging - like really, not just a few scattered posts here and there - and the workshop that these ladies put on two weeks ago really inspired me! Come back Monday for my recap.

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4. Fall. I know everyone else is experiencing winter-like weather but we're late to the party in Southern California.This week we still had 80 degree days, but a few also dipped down the 70s. Major win in my book. Still no changing leaves though, because that's (sadly) not a thing here.

5. Holiday Sales. They're already starting. I snagged a several J.CRew Factory items, including this Factory Printed Drapey Dress. It was marked 50% off + free shipping which is good, but I'm going to keep an eye out to see if it drops even more.

Have a great weekend. See you back here on Monday!


  1. Welcome back ;) I can't wait to upgrade my iPhone I have to wait until June :(

  2. Welcome back to the good side haha.. I had the iPhone5 for a while and for my birthday my husband got me the iPhone6S in pink!! I love it!!! Twins! Ha!
    Love JCrew sales!!!

  3. We're just starting to get fall weather here too, and I'll take it now as opposed to winter temps up north! And yayyyy for coming back to the iPhone and how gorgeous is that rose gold color?!

    Happy Friday gurlie <3

    Green Fashionista

  4. Aaaah! I'm so envious about Undateable! I finally caught up on the season on my flight and kept laughing out loud like an idiot. Haha! Yay iPhone! Now I won't feel bad about texting you. I think the camera on the 6s is pretty great too.

  5. I have been using the iPhone for probably 5 years now but I've been wanting to go back to least they never broke!

    Getting excited that sale season is starting :D

  6. I need to catch up on undateable, that show is funny. It makes me sad you don't get leaves changing and falling. It's the best part of Fall.

  7. Welcome back to the land of iPhones!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes


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