Sunday, December 6, 2015

De-Stressing With Adult Coloring Books

Keep Calm and Color On

We all probably have more stress in our lives than we need. The key is finding an outlet to release that tension. For months I've been hearing about adult coloring books and wanted to try one so I was super excited to get a copy of Keep Calm and Color On from Put Me In The Story (which is a super-cool site that helps you personalize books).

I have to say, coloring as an adult is not as easy! I may be a bit of a perfectionist so it may have taken me far too long to select what colors to use and to make sure every pencil stroke was perfect. Baby steps, right? BUT, I can definitely testify that while I color, I am so focused that I am distracted from all of my other worries. Mission accomplished! And I really appreciate the inspirational quotes throughout the book. 

Not only is the book itself adorable - hello my name is on the cover! - but I like that the coloring options vary. Some are intricate and take a lot of time while others are simpler and don't require as much concentration.

Keep Calm and Color On coloring book
Keep Calm and Color On adult coloring book
adult coloring book

If you have yet to grab yourself an adult coloring book, I highly recommend it!

Put Me In The Story has two adult coloring books and now through December 13th, you can purchase them individually for $19.99 each or two for $30 when you use the code RELAX at checkout. Go and get one - or both - and start coloring away. And they make wonderful gifts!

Disclaimer: in exchange for an honest review, I was given a free copy of Keep Calm and Color On


  1. love the idea of adult coloring books... but given my lack of child-free time, I'll have to settle for coloring the Dora and Elmo pages with my 2 year old lol

    Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy

  2. So fun! I've been buying adult coloring books for years and loved to pull them out when my kids were coloring. They are more into drawing now, so I haven't colored in a while. I may need to bust them out.


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