Monday, September 12, 2016

Transitioning From Summer to Fall With Old Navy

Temperatures are all over the place in Southern California. In the past two weeks we've gone from high 70s to low 90s. It's hard to know how to dress because summer can last well into "winter" months. Luckily Old Navy has some great styles and deals right now so I've been able to snag up warm weather items while also incorporating fall pieces into my wardrobe. I have legit ordered items once a week for the past month. I need to stop!

All items on the left I have already received and love. The ones of the right I'm waiting on. The only item I'm iffy on is the dress. I'm short that it's not uncommon for the length to hit mid-calf. I read reviews that this shift dress runs short so fingers crossed!

Old Navy Summer/Fall Pieces

I didn't list prices since they can change daily at Old Navy. As of today, though, they are all under $35!


  1. I am a tried and true Old Navy fan...and especially for my daughter! They always have amazing seasonal sales and when you have a 4 year old, you need clothes that will not only look cute but withstand a little dirt and wear! Great pieces!

  2. While I'm not ready for summer to be over I love Fall clothes! Bring it on.

  3. I love that vest! Perfect for fall.


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