Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The 128th Rose Parade

128th Rose Parade

Happy New Year! To kick off 2017, I attended the Rose Parade for the first time! Although I've lived near Pasadena my entire life, I've just never made the trip to the event. When I was younger my Girl Scout troop helped decorate a float, but I was too young to appreciate the experience. So this year when my friend had an extra ticket I jumped on the opportunity!

Reserved seats are the way to go. They can be pricey, but it means you can show up the morning of with a guaranteed spot. No spending the night and trying to stake out a place to watch the parade. From our seats we were able to see everything.

Unfortunately it was overcast so my pictures aren't the greatest, but hopefully you can still get a sense of how amazing the floats were in person.

128th Rose Parade float

128th Rose Parade

128th Rose Parade lion float

The Rose Parade

So much detail and effort goes into each of the floats. They are so creative! Did you catch the one with a roller coaster on it? That was insane! Or the surfing dog? It wasn't really about the flowers it was made with but the adorable pup that stole the show.

Did you watch the Rose Parade on TV this year? If so, what float was your favorite?

1 comment:

  1. Such an amazing experience! I hope to get to this parade one year, and it sounds like reserved seats are the way to go. No camping out here! <3
    Green Fashionista


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