Monday, February 13, 2017

Ideas For Styling a Button-Up Shirt

Ideas For Styling a Button-Up Shirt

Over the last three weeks I've featured one classic button-up Old Navy shirt, styled three ways. I had originally bought it for an interview and figured I'd never wear it again but I didn't want to waste the money. So I made an effort to push myself to incorporate the top into my outfits, and in doing so, realized it's a staple that can be worn many different ways.

Here are the versatile looks I came up with: business, casual, and playful.

Professional, Business Outfit Easy Interview Outfit
Styling a Button Up Casually Weekend Brunch Outfit
Valentine's Day Outfit LuLa Roe Valentine's Day Leggings

I'd typically lean toward casual look two, but I am glad I pushed myself out of my comfort zone for the third outfit. What style is your favorite of the three?

Linking up for Good HUES-DayTrend Spin, Turning Heads TuesdayTrendy WednesdayStyle Me WednesdayWhat I WoreNew Year Styled, Thursday Moda, Thursday Fashion Files


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog, I realise I've visited yours recently because I love your red heart leggings. Good Job! Jacqui

  2. All three ways are very nice but the red leggings win hands up

  3. I have the hardest time wearing shirts casually as I don't like all the ironing they require, haha! Otherwise I'm sure I'd wear them more. I think the second outfit would be how I'd wear them :) I've done it a few times but then I iron them and decide I'd best leave them for office wear so they get worn and washed and ironed less, haha!

    Hope you are having a lovely week :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  4. I love all the way you say you styled this button up cutie pie. Of course though the heart red pants are still my favorite!

  5. I love seeing a piece styled multiple ways! The third look is my favorite! Those leggings are so fun!

    Doused In Pink

  6. Oh I love a good button down!! I have a plaid one for Old Navy that I love. Now, I gotta find what I did with it. It's somewhere in my closet.

  7. Cute! I pretty much live in my button downs like this :P


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