Sunday, May 15, 2011

Man Candy Monday: Ryan Phillippe

Man Candy Monday time, friends! This week let's focus on a bit of a controversial (to me) pick - Ryan Phillippe. For me the controversy comes in with the rumors of his affair when married to Reese Witherspoon. I mean, who would cheat on her?! Let's just look past that part of him and focus on the hunk factor.

I first noticed Ryan at the same time as most of you, probably, in I Know What You Did Last Summer. He was the jerk with the good looks. Does anybody wonder if that translates into real life? I don't know if it's his accent, which, lets be honest, makes him sound a bit snooty, or the fact that rarely smiles in pictures. Again, let's forget that because he's hot. OK let's just get to the pictures already!

Birth Name
Matthew Ryan Phillippe

Date of Birth
September 10, 1974


Notable Roles
I Know What You Did Last Summer - Barry
Cruel Intentions - Sebastian
Stop-Loss - Brandon
Crash - Officer Tom Hansen

Relationship Status
Formerly married to Reese Witherspoon. Currently dating Amanda Seyfried.


  1. I know, who would want to cheat on her? But he's still hot! ;) Not sure what to think of him and Amanda...but oh well. :)

    Happy Monday girl!


  2. Love him in Cruel Intentions...
    And he's got a great body ♥

  3. Ah, Ryan Phillippe! He is so cute, but I know what you mean about Reese. She's perfect! Anywho, he is totally worthy of his Man Candy title. I actually went to school with his cousin (I grew up in Delaware) and trust, the family genes are very impressive. They're definitely #winning!

  4. he is mighty fine, i gotta say :)

  5. I remember my best friend being so in love with him when we were teenagers! Cute cute.

  6. I was obsessed with him in Cruel Intentions - Still kinda am. Plus he's with Amanda Seyfried who is one of my huge girl crushes. He rocks.

    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl
    Fanciful Brainstorm - Tumblr

  7. Hey your interview is up, and I'm about to post me man candy! Not sure I'm such a Ryan fan, but I haven't really seen his movies, and I'm a character girl...

  8. I mean cheating on anyone isn't acceptable, no doubt. But I've always kinda thought Reese W was a bit of a . . . square? That's ridiculous given that I don't know her, ha. But she seems a little . . . prudish. Or uptight, or something. I don't know. Just picking apart celebrities with the best of them! (And still--no excuse to cheat!).

    If I just saw him on the street, I may not notice him, but he was so smokin' hot in Cruel Intentions that I totally get it. Totally. ;)

  9. Ok, I can't agree with you on your choice this week =( I did like Ryan pre he is kind of ugh. Now Ryan Reynolds...HOT!

  10. definitely easy on the eyes.

  11. Yes please, I do agree with you. He is fine!

  12. I totally noticed him in Cruel Intentions. Who could not love his looks in that movie. He is always so sultry and snotty in movies, it will nice to see a funny side of him (if he has one).

    I swear, you and I have the same taste in celebrity hotties.

  13. I fell in love with him after seeing him in Cruel Intentions! He was perfection in that and I seriously just love, love, loved him. Even now when I watch that movie I can't help thinking just how freaking hot he is!
    Perfect choice!

  14. I've been waiting for someone to post some Ryan Man Candy!! Thank YOU! I think he's gorgeous! I didn't hear that he cheated on Reese though, that's a bummer...
    Have a great day

  15. I can't believe you'd never heard of Andrew Garfield before! You really should watch "The Social Network", it's actually really really good!

  16. YUM!! HAHA I love Ryan Phillippe! He's always been a favorite of mine! Will be linking up in a few just finishing up my post! :)

  17. Love me some good man-candy...almost better than a cup of coffee...almost :)

    xx Cat brideblu

  18. He is so handsome... and talented!
    Gorgeous post, darling!


  19. What?! He's dating Amanda Seyfried? I had no idea. He is pretty hot though.

  20. mmm ryan phillipe, I've had a crush on him since cruel intentions, haha! but reese? yeah that was a bit ugh on his part, she seems sweet and she's so pretty

  21. he was hotter when he was with reese!! xx

  22. He's so attractive -- but seriously, who would cheat on Reese Witherspoon? Automatic blacklist.
    xo Josie

  23. Yes, I like him. And of course I remember him from that crazy, scary movie...or at least I thought it was.

  24. Forgot to ask, have you seen Takers...?

  25. I love Reese, but I have to say that she has one hot ex-hubby. I first fell for him during I Know What You Did Last Summer as well. He also was pretty darn hot in Cruel Intentions. I love both of those movies and it’s been too long since I’ve seen them! Great choice :)


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