Monday, November 26, 2012


This weekend was all about relaxing and being lazy. Lots of football, naps, and lounging around. The most exciting thing that happened was my parents not plugging in the roaster when cooking the turkey, delaying Thanksgiving eating a few hours. It was actually kind of funny!

When I did bother to get up and out I managed to get to a few shops on Friday for sales - of course in the afternoon, not during the shopping madness. I scored a pair of jeans 60% off, winter headbands for my Chicago trip this week, and a dress for my company holiday party. Not too shabby.

I also saw Breaking Dawn Part 2. This was the first Twilight movie I saw in the theater. The others were OK but not really my thing. I was surprised that I actually liked this one. Totally recommend it.

What did you do this weekend? I hope it was more exciting than my last few days. Link up with me and my co-hosts Dana of five30three and Sami of Sami's Shenanigans and tell us all about it. We just ask that you follow these rules:

1. Blog about your weekend.
2. Add the badge (below) to your post.
3. Add the blog post link to the linkup below.

Photo courtesy of: Total Film


  1. So many great sales this weekend!
    I loved how Express was 40% off the whole store!



  2. Sounds like a great weekend - love your photos!

    The Other Side of Gray

  3. You're most certainly going to need those headbands in a few days. Can't wait for your visit!

  4. A relaxing and lazy weekend is the best if you ask me,
    and which I rarely have.

  5. looks like you had a wonderful weekend!! and scored some great deals, I am jealous!

  6. oh my gosh, that Christmas tree is GORGEOUS!

  7. My mom was quickly ready to setup the Christmas tree... we didn't really have a Thanksgiving haha

  8. I didn't partake in any of the sales . . . where did you get jeans? I am thinking I need to buy some, but I can't find any that are comfortable (i.e. not tight around my waist). 60% off is pretty amazing!

    We were sooooo lazy this weekend & I loved it :)

  9. Looks like you had a successful Thanksgiving weekend! It is like my favorite long weekend of the year. I get to be a bit lazy, cut down a Christmas tree, etc! Such a great time of year.

  10. Don't be hating on Twilight ;) The last movie was my fave too! Can't wait to see you in a few short days! Eeeek.

  11. Sounds like a successful weekend all around, doll -- happy Monday!
    xo Josie

  12. Those are pretty photos. :) Love that tree. :)

    Glad you had a good weekend!

  13. I did not partake in Black Friday at all...but my sisters did go to H&M again and they thought it sucked this year. Your parents are funny!! AT least you did eat turkey :)

  14. Fun weekend! Having all these sales going on this weekend was not helpful to my budget of $50 haha. I think I borrowed money from the next 2 paydays :/

  15. TWILIGHT? Stop it.

    Take me to Chicago.

  16. I loved Breaking Dawn Part 2, def one of the best ones :-)

  17. I refused to shop during the madness that is black Friday. Refuse. Can't wait to meet you in just a few days. So excited!!!

  18. cant wait to hear about chicago...some of my friends went a month ago and LOVED it

  19. I also really liked Breaking Dawn part 2!!

    Lots of naps is the way to go over Thanksgiving!! That's what was happening over here as well! :-)

  20. I heard Breaking Dawn Part 2 was really good. Wasn't planning on seeing it but now I want to. I hear its really different from the book. I only saw twilight and new moon and then gave up. I thought new moon was terrible which was too bad because the book was really good!

  21. I saw all the Twilight movies in the theater, but rolled my eyes through them. I really liked this one too. And it was the first one Jacob saw. He liked it. That's saying something! Sounds like a great weekend!

  22. Hehe, it was also one I really really liked. But I'm so glad the Twilight thing is now will be The Hunger Games...hahahaha


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