Monday, December 24, 2012

A Bottle For Me, a Bottle For You

Have you entered my blogiversary giveaway? Five great sponsors with five wonderful gifts to celebrate my five years of blogging! Enter here!

Merry Christmas Eve! With New Years Eve next week, we'll be skipping Weekend Update next week (January 1) and resuming in two weeks on Monday, January 7. Feel free to use that week as a recap Christmas, your weekend, or both - whatever you prefer!

As for this weekend, my highlight was wine tasting in Temecula. Located just over an hour east of LA, and not too far north from San Diego, it's a great place to get away for a day. This weekend I treated my friend to a few tastings and a bottle of wine from our favorite local winery, Baily.

I used to be strictly a red wine drinker, until I tried Baily's Riesling-Dry. Now whenever I go to Temecula I go there to buy that wine. If you live in the area or visit Temecula you must try this wine!

Then we went to another winery, Frangipani, for another tasting to end our afternoon.

In other news - I need your help! This weekend I also entered in a Model of the Month contest hosted by Brooke Louise Photography. Brooke is a talented photographer, and also my IRL friend and blogger over at Chelsea Grey, and she hosts a monthly contest where one winner gets a photo shoot. To vote for me, please leave a comment on my photo here. And I get two votes if you like the Facebook page. I'm way behind so it's a long shot. Thanks so much in advance!!

What did you do this weekend? Link up with me and my co-host Sami of Sami's Shenanigans and tell us all about it. We just ask that you follow these rules:

1. Blog about your weekend
2. Add the badge (above) to your post.
3. Add the blog post link to the linkup below.



  1. Jealous of your wine tasting--so fun! I want to go to the southern-CA wine country with you next time I'm down there. Voted for you by commenting on the picture & liking the fb page . . .though how will she know that my "like" came via you??

  2. That looks like fun! I'm usually a red drinker also.

  3. Ive been wanting to do a wine tasting. They look sooo fun!

  4. what a fun weekend, you look gorg! I will go vote/like the page!!

  5. Thanks for hosting! I am joining up for the first time today. I really need to go try wines. I want to look sophisticated when I go out. haha

  6. Wine Tasting sounds like so much!! That is something I have always wanted to do!!
    Merry Christmas!!

  7. This looks so wonderful! Glad you had a great weekend. Hopping over to enter your giveaway now!

  8. i took my parents in law to frangipani after thanksgiving now i want to go back and check out baileys especially after you described the dry riesling!

  9. i know you have a new button but it wouldn't work yesterday, so i had to use the old button

  10. Ahhh, all that wine sounds amazing! AND I voted for you :) xoxo

  11. we're taking my dad to temcula in Jan for his bday...we shall have to stop here


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