Monday, December 10, 2012

A Weekend Update...Update

Sad news this Monday morning :( Today is the first Weekend Update without our beloved Dana. She's retired from hosting the linkup. Girlfrand is a busy lady and although Sami and I are upset going to miss her not hosting with us, we are happy for her to be able to spend the extra time with her little guy who turns 1 this month! She'll still blog, but just not as frequently.

Since it's just Sami and I, we have a new button, created by the talented Aubrey of Kinch Life Designs! Please be sure to use this button for future linkups.

Now onto to my oh so exciting weekend! I got a root canal Friday and today go back for the second half of the procedure, the temporary crown. As a result, I didn't do much this weekend. I did get my hair done at least, though. After my blue ombre hair, I was feeling bored with blonde. For a second I considered going dark but decided against it and went with ombre. That satisfied my indecisiveness since my new 'do is brown and blonde.

What did you do this weekend? Link up with me and my co-host Sami of Sami's Shenanigans and tell us all about it. We just ask that you follow these rules:

1. Blog about your weekend
2. Add the badge (above) to your post.
3. Add the blog post link to the linkup below.


  1. Ugh, sorry about the teeth. Your hair looks fab, though!
    xo Josie

  2. I hope your teeth feel better soon! Mouth procedures are the worst! Been there!

    With Love,

  3. Love the new hair and I hope they did the root canal on the right tooth! That would not be fun. Miss you!

  4. Love the new button! So pretty. I will make sure to use it moving forward! And your hair looks awesome!!

  5. A root canal? Ouch. You poor least your hair looks cute! :)

  6. A root canal?! eek I'm so afraid of getting one of those. Hope you're feeling better!

  7. Thanks for the love, I'll miss you guys. I have already linked up (as the EX-HOST, muahaha). Jacob and I hope you and your tooth are on the mend ASAP.

  8. Love your new hair! It looks fab!

  9. O no!! I hope all of your procedures go good!

  10. Boo root canals are the worst! Sorry friend. But at least your hair looks great! ;)

  11. I hope your root canal went well & that you're healing nicely.

  12. Boo about Dana...but I totally's hard to keep up with it all. Your hair looks awesome. I am hitting up my girl this week...I am so overdue!! And I hope you are feeling better with your mouth...OUCH!

  13. I love how your hair turned out! At the same time, I'm terrified of root canals and so sorry you had to get that done. I was talking to Matt about how you had to get one & I don't know what I'd do in that situation . . . no dental insurance & they are RIDIC expensive!

    I was wondering about the new button--sorry Dana won't be hosting with y'all, but glad she'll have more time with her boy. :)


  14. OMG you poor thing! Anything that involves the dentist isn't fun!! Hope you're feeling back to normal!

  15. Dentist stuff sucks! I had to get a crown last year. It was the worst! I felt like I was drowning on all the water. Haha! Your hair looks great, as usual.

  16. a root canal?! ouch! at least you still look pretty!

  17. Your hair is always perfect - hopefully that comment makes up for the root canal? <3

  18. I hope that tooth feels better soon! As least you can think about how cool your new hair is instead. :-)

  19. You look AMAZING! And so does Kathrin. Bitches.


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