Monday, January 14, 2013

Gangster Squad

Before I get into my recap, of you're linking up for WEEKED Update, please blog about your weekend and link back to the blog hop. There are 100+ bloggers who join the linkup correctly each week and are here to make blogging friends. But unfortunately there are always a handful of people who blog about other topics and don't link back. I hate to be the Weekend Update police, but Sami ad I both explain how to link up in our posts each week and everyone should know. I didn't want to be that person, but if you don't link up properly you are being that person. 

OK moving along, let's get to it!

This weekend I saw Gangster Squad. I didn't know what to expect going into it, other than it looked violent, received bad reviews, and most importantly, was filmed on Hollywood Blvd. The latter intrigued me since I live in Hollywood ad work on Hollywood Blvd. and really wanted to see the famous street transformed into the 40s.

Here's what I took away from the movie (don't worry, no spoilers):
-I finally get Ryan Gosling. He's hot. I am part of the bandwagon ladies!
-Emma Stone really didn't have that large of a role in the film.
-I live off one of the streets where the gangster deeds were taking place.
-Josh Brolin is pretty attractive for an older man.
-I am a sissy when it comes to violence and covered my eyes for nearly half of the film.
-Sean Penn is one creepy looking dude.

Overall I liked Gangster Squad. I don't feel like I wasted money going to see it, but I also won't buy it when it comes out on DVD. If you were thinking about catching a viewing, I'd recommend it. A solid 3 out of 5 stars.

Anyone else see it? What did you think?

Now it's your turn!

If you're blogging about your weekend, join our blog hop. Link up with me and my co-host Sami of Sami's Shenanigans and tell us all about it. We just ask that you follow these rules:

1. Blog about your weekend - please no unrelated posts!
2. Add the badge (below) to your post.
3. Add your link to the linkup below.



  1. I've been on the Gosling train!

    I love Emma Stone.

  2. How have I not even heard of this movie? Hmmmm... I'm team Gosling all the way! And yes, Josh Brolin is cute for an old guy ;) I noticed that when I watch MIB3... don't judge! ;)

  3. Thanks for your review! I'm very curious about this movie!

  4. aw that sucks about people being lame on the link-up ;/

    I only want to see Gangster Squad because of Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling hehe but figured I'd wait until it came out on Netflix. When I lived in Downtown LA they filmed so many movies there, one in particular was Transformers and it was the loudest set ever!! And glad you're finally on the Ryan Gosling bandwagon :)

  5. I have been wondering about this movie! I think Emma Stone is so beautiful...and I guess ol Ryan Gosling is as well ;) Also, don't feel like a sissy. I cover my eyes sometimes too! I hate a lot of violence or shooting or blood! Eek

  6. Thanks for the movie review...I had been wanting to see it, but I hate violence so I might have to cross it off my list.

  7. Have you seen him on the cover of People Mag???? He is so gorgeous. So, so gorgeous!! And I am jealous you live in Hollywood!

  8. Emma Stone was on Ellen last week...which made me want to see this movie (that and having Ryan Gosling in the movie doesn't hurt)...but I'm not good with the violent stuff so I might just have to pass on this one! Thanks for the review!

  9. i wanted this movie to be sooo good. sad it isnt spectacular.

  10. I LOVE Josh Brolin. :o)
    And Ryan too.

    I was wondering about Emma Stone's character. She seems a bit random in the trailer and if she's not in the film that much then I got that right! ha


  11. im a huge emma stone fan so i'm a little dissapointed to hear that she doesn't have a huge role in this film. But Ryan Gosling's hotness will make it better. I can't wait to see this film. We just watched Zero Dark Thirty and it was AMAZING!

  12. I keep seeing the preview for this movie, but haven't gone yet. Might wait to rent the DVD.

  13. I can't wait to see Gangster Squad! I'm glad you liked it! This is my first time linking up and it's been fun!

  14. Girl, that link up issue happens to me every week. It is frustrating that people can't follow the simple steps...but I also think some people are clueless about how link ups work. Thanks for the movie review...gonna wait until until it's On Demand. have a great week!

  15. I kinda want to see it now because of the people in it. I happen to LOVE SEAN PENN (I've loved him since Dead Man Walking). I don't think I am going to a movie soon though b/c I'm on a diet and I don't want to have to say no to movie popcorn, which is one of my favorite things ON EARTH! :)

  16. That's so good to know - I wanted to go see this one (aka, see Ryan Gosling), but I think now I'll wait for it come out on DVD or demand! :)

  17. hmmm..i think i'll wait til it's on redbox to watch, even though you said it's's not great and therefore i can wait hahaha

  18. Oh Ryan! Yes! I have no interest in seeing this movie but he is so cute. One of my friends met him in an airport a few months ago. She got a pic w/ him!!!

    By the way I keep meaning to tell you that I'll be in LA in June for a wedding so maybe we can plan to meet up!

  19. I totally wanted to see this! I love me some Gosling & Stone combo and secret: I totally loved Josh Brolin since he was a heart breaker in Goonies...

  20. I thought that this looked SUPER good -- I can't wait to check it out!
    xo Josie

  21. I've been on the Ryan train for years... he's yummy.

  22. Thanks for the review...I've been wanting to see this :)

  23. I haven't seen it yet but I've been seeing previews and really want to!

  24. You FINALLY get Ryan Gosling? What?! Have you seen Crazy, Stupid Love? I fell in love with him watching Lars and the Real Girl. It's so sad, but awesome. One of my favorite movies. You should watch it! Sean Penn is creepy looking. Haha!


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