Sunday, March 10, 2013

Birthday at Tiffany's

This weekend I celebrated two birthdays - my mom's, and my tallest friend's, Tiffany's. While my mom's was more low-key (I got her tickets to see one of her favorite bands, The Dirty Heads, and she was so happy she cried. I wish I'd gotten a pic of it!), Tiffany and had a big bash.

For Tiffany's 30th birthday Kathrin and I headed to San Diego. The three of us have been friends since junior high and although we see each other pretty regularly, we've been scattered across SoCal since college. Despite that, we're remained friends. We all entered our teens together and now this year we'll enter out 30s. It's pretty incredible that we're still so close.

For her birthday, Tiffany's amazing family planned a Breakfast at Tiffany's themed party - complete with Tiffany Blue cupcakes and candy bags, sunglasses, and pearls. It really was adorable! And the perfect weekend.

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  1. Such a cute theme for her birthday!

  2. Such a cute theme and so fitting for her since she is a Tiffany! So nice that you've been friends for so long!!

  3. What a fun time! I love great themed birthdays.
    Happy Monday,
    Lulu and Daisy

  4. Too fun! I also celebrated my mom's birthday this weekend :)

    Pearls & Paws

  5. Breakfast at Tiffany's is one of my favorite themes. One time I threw a bridal shower in this theme. I wish I had thought of the shades ans pearls though, cute touch!

    Have a great week...



  6. I live a theme party! I'm still close with all of my junior high BFFs too. Going on 23 years now!

  7. Cute theme! Sounds like fun!

  8. Birthdays are fun! I have a lot this month, too! :)

  9. What a cute idea - I love Tiffany's! ;)

  10. Aww what an adorable birthday party theme! Sounds like a great weekend :)

  11. Sounds like a super fun weekend!! Love the birthday theme!! Fab idea!!


    *thanks for all your help and your easy instructions!!!

  12. that is such a cute idea, the Tiffany Theme! Ah, to be celebrating my 30th again!!! What fun.

  13. What a fantastic theme for her party. Looks like you guys had a great time!

  14. Friendships like yours are few and far between! My bestie and I have been bff since our first day of Kindergarten. We've experienced boyfriends, breakups, teens, proms, marriage, babies, divorce (her), moves and we are stronger than ever! I can't imagine my life without her in it! For her 30th birthday last year I got 30 tootsie pop suckers and put them in a basket and made a sign that said "30 SUCKS". She got a kick out of it! :) I linked up with you today!!! It's my first time!!!

  15. YAY for awesome friendships! LOVE that theme, looks like a blast! Thanks for hosting lovely!

    Kristine from The Foley Fam {unedited} Blog

  16. Your top for the party worked with the theme perfectly! Love it!

  17. Cute theme! The party looked like so much fun. I love the pictures of you three together. Sometimes I wish I was still friends (besides on Facebook) with my two junior high best friends, but then I remember that they are both psycho. Haha! They also both randomly live in San Diego! After discovering that, reuniting and being inseparable for a year, they hate each other now. Strange.

  18. You girls looks like you had the BEST time!!! Anyone get any videos??? Ha!!! I was there in spirit!!

  19. what an incredibly cute birthday theme!! I'm aways so grateful to celebrate with good friends

  20. Looks like it was such a fun birthday. I love the cute sign and the cupcakes. :)


  21. Sounds like a great weekend. I love that one of you mom's favorite bands is The Dirty Heads!

  22. I loved seeing y'alls pictures throughout the weekend. You all looked so pretty and happy! And what an incredibly cute (and perfect!) theme for Tiffany's 30th. I know she must have been so glad to have you and Kathrin celebrating with her!

  23. I love all the themed parties you attend! Looks like a lot of fun!

  24. Aw, it sounds like you had such a ball! Happy birthday to your mom and Tiffany!
    xo Josie

  25. i love the theme of her birthday and definitely saw photos all weekend long! looks like you had a great time!

  26. Visiting you from My So-Called Chaos!! Following you Too

  27. such a fun birthday theme! looks like yall had a blast!

  28. How awesome is that theme! I adore it! I would love to have a smashing birthday like that! I'm also a new follower =)

  29. wow the Breakfast at Tiffany's themed party looks/sounds amazing... so cool!

  30. What a fun weekend! Glad y'all got to celebrate together!

  31. Hi Leeann! Thank you for hosting this blog hop... It's my first time here! And now I'm your newest follower!

  32. I love this! My best friend and I have known each other since kindergarten and we are still so close! Old friends are great and it's really special when you can pick up where left off even after not seeing each other for a while. :) I also loooove the Tiffany's theme! That is so creative and fun. I want to go to a party like that!

  33. I find it amazing that you guys have been friends for so long! How lucky :) glad you had a good time!

    Stopping by from my so called chaos

    XOXO, Jessica from Girl Booklet

  34. Looks like a great party! I love that you call her your tallest friend. It's all kinds of awesome.

  35. So cool that you and your high school friends are still so close! Looks like it was a fun time :)

    Thanks for hosting!

  36. Such a fun theme!! Looked like you had a great time!


  37. I'm new to your blog but I love the Tiffany birthday party theme!
    Also, I linked up with the party from yesterday.

    Happy Tuesday!

  38. Hey there!

    First time linkin' up! :) Thank you hosting the blog hop.

    - Sukhi

  39. You have the best life, ever!! So much fun.

  40. You have the best life, ever!! So much fun.

  41. Cute theme! It looks so fun :D

  42. The Tiffany's themed birthday looks awesome! Some of my closest friends are the ones from Junior High! I guess it's supposed to be the most awkward years and maybe that's why the friends click and stick! :)



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