Sunday, March 3, 2013

This Weekend I...

I had a busy Saturday filled with friends! In the morning I met up with my college friend Lisa at a restaurant that allows dogs on the patio. We talked for hours, I enjoyed a mimosa, and Coco came along. You can't tell from her Basset Hound eyes, but she had a great time.

Later that evening I met up with Meg of Henning Love! I hadn't seen her in awhile and it was great catching up and walking around the small town shopping.

Sunday was a little more low-key and involved a drive through a scenic area with adorable cows.

This was just the weekend I needed before jumping back into another busy work week. 

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  1. Sounds like a fantastic weekend. Yay, Meg! :) Oh...cows! :) I like that that one is practically running. ;)

  2. Awww, those eyes are so so sweet. And the cows, adorable. I could never live on a farm, seriously. I would get too attached.

  3. Sounds like the perfect weekend to me! I'm in need of a low-key weekend.
    Happy Monday!
    Lulu and Daisy

  4. Aww I love outings where the pup can come too!

    Pearls & Paws

  5. Looks like a nice, relaxing weekend!

  6. Cuteeeee doggy!! :)

  7. All restaurants should allow dogs, especially the ones of the basset hound variety! Glad you got to meet up with Meg!

  8. Mimosa on the patio sounds like a wonderful way to spend an afternoon! And I love cows!!!

  9. Aw sounds like a great weekend!

  10. I want to drink mimosas outside. Guess I just have to wait a few more months!

  11. Sounds like fab weekend!! Your doggie is so cute!! Hope your work week isn't too stressful, makes for a very long week.

  12. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend! I just joined your link up, thanks for hosting.

  13. That picture of the cows is so pretty! It looks like it's one of those idyllic posters for cheese or something. Haha! Yes, that's where my mind went.

  14. Looks like you had a great weekend! Love that you could take Coco with you for some mimosas. :-) And so cool that you and Meg met up!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  15. wow you were busy on sat driving all over the IE!!! how fun...I want my life back so I can do these things too

  16. Aw, I'm jealous of your patio fun! I can't wait for it to warm up here so I can get drunk outside!

  17. You are so gorgeous and your weekend sounds absolutely perfect. Get yourself to NYC so we can brunch/weekend it up! :) xox, pretty lady

  18. New this link-up idea!

  19. Yay for catching up with old friends! One of my trips home we'll have to meet up for coffee!

  20. It looks like you had such a lovely weekend with friends -- happy Monday!
    xo Josie

  21. MIMOSAS!! <333 That's what I blogged about today on HAha

  22. I envy your scenic drive! I'm jonesing for some small town living lately. Being a small town girl in Dallas does that to ya, I think.

  23. I spy a F21 top!!! :) You looked so pretty!!! And mimosas....oh, Sunday weakness!!!

  24. Where the hell are the cows?? I just realized how stupid that sounded since we live in cowville...but that looks so pretty!

    Is it Saturday yet?!?

  25. I love mimosas? Looks like a fun tiime

  26. Looks like a great relaxing weekend my dear! So glad you had time to relax and enjoy life... you've been working like crazy lately!

  27. OMG Coco's eyes. How can you ever say no to that face?

    Sounds (and looks) like you had a fun weekend!

  28. Just found your link-up! Thanks for hosting!

  29. Love the cows! I wish there were a place around here that allowed dogs on the patio. The closest we get is PetsMart and the drive-in! Haha!

  30. I love that you could bring dogs to the restaurant! Adorable cows?! I mean, they are cute, but I've never heard them described that way. Haha! Sounds like a really fun weekend. Seems like work has been busy/stressful for you! It's gotta be nice to unwind.


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