Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cheers to the Freakin' Weekend!

A few things you should know:

>>No Monday Morning Gossip, due to Memorial Day. We'll pick up the following week, on June 3.

>>If you live in SoCal, Meg of henning love and I are co-hosting a blogger meetup at J.Crew next month. Get the details and RSVP!

>>Today I'm guest posting over at Interpret as You May. Go check out my tips on extending business trips into personal vacations. Worth a read if you're passionate about traveling and have the opportunity to do it with a little company help.

Since we're talking vacations, can I get an amen for the 3-day weekend? Thank you baby Jesus. It's just what I need. It's been a rough week that started off with a bang. Literally. And not a good one. Monday I was in a car accident and my car is dented and scratched up. Luckily I didn't get hurt. But even with insurance it's not cheap to get repairs done. And that's if it can be proved it wasn't my fault, which it wasn't. That, added to my other stresses, have made this week pretty miserable.

Needless to say I am ready for some unplugged time.

Tomorrow I'm heading to Kathrin (of Shop.School.Sleep.'s graduation) and here's the outfit similar to what I'll be wearing.

White Lace

 H&M dress (exact) / glitter sandals (exact) / FOSSIL handbag (similar) 

 chain necklace (exact) / Old Navy Chambray Shirt (similar) 

Aside from that, my weekend is going to be low key. Maybe a BBQ on Sunday and possibly a trip to the movies at some point. How are you enjoying your vacation (if you're American and get the holiday)?

Be sure to thank a veteran if you have the chance! Let's not forget that the holiday means way more than a day off.


  1. enjoy your three day weekend girlie. we are all in dire need of it i am sure. & love this look, ALOT.

    see you back next tuesday! xo

  2. I have been eyeing a white lace dress!! If it wasn't inappropriate to wear white to a wedding I would have bought a white lace dress too!! thanks for the shoutout!!

  3. So sorry you were in an accident. Glad you are ok!! Cute outfit for the graduation. I'm hoping to see Gatsby this weekend!

  4. Glad you're okay! That dress is so cute - what a perfect grad outfit. Have an awesome weekend :)

  5. Absolutely love this look. Always drawn to the chambray and lace!

  6. LOVE this outfit!! So cute and summer-y. Have a great Memorial Day!!

  7. Love this!!! Have a great weekend lovely!

  8. Love the dress!! Have a fab weekend!!!

    Best, Mree

  9. I love your graduation look! Hooray for Kathrin! Have a great time!

  10. Yay for Kathrin's graduation! I hope you have fun and unwind this weekend! What a rough week!! Cute outfit, as always.

  11. Cheers to you lady! I so regret not picking up those Target sandals!

  12. love that lace dress! My outfit this week included lace shorts.
    Obsessed with lace.

  13. Love the dress and the glitter sandals!!!

  14. Cute outfit! Enjoy your weekend. I'm planning on low key too. Can't wait to sleep in!

  15. Amen indeed to the 3 day weekend!!! Yay!! I hope you're fine!!!

    Please check out some of my looks on!!

  16. I've barely moved off the sofa today and the fact that I have tomorrow off is just so exciting! I love that lace dress.

  17. Girl, you NEEDED this long weekend! I hope you enjoyed it and were able to set your stresses aside!
    Car accidents, repair and insurance are the WORST! Last year someone backed into our truck so while it was in the shop, their insurance got us a rental car. Well the rental company tried (and succeeded) to pin some scratches the car had on us (which didn't come from us, we just didn't purchase their insurance, ALWAYS purchase their insurance! Our insurance company told us that rental companies are notorius for pinning other damages on the first person who doesn't purchase their stupid $3 a day insurance) and I remember crying hysterically in the middle of an amusement park about it. But to justify... I WAS pregnant so I'll just blame that on the hormones! :)

  18. p.s. not $3 a day... more like $12 a day, ha!

  19. I hope you had a great weekend!


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