Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend Love

Friends. This weekend I had the pleasure of attending Kathrin (of Shop.School.Sleep.'s) graduation! She just got her second Masters - she's clearly a showoff ;) No but really, I'm so proud of her and was happy to share the special day with her.

White Lace. I finally wore my H&M white lace dress that I got two months ago. Since starting my new job I've totally gained weight (free soda and snacks are no bueno for my waistline!) so it was a little snug. Motivation to lose weight.

U.S.A. Memorial Day! It's not just an extra day to BBQ people. I'm thankful that we have the freedoms we do as a result of the brave military and their dedication to protecting our nation.

Gatsby. On Monday I woke up early and decided I wanted to go to the movies. Gatsby started in 40 minutes so I got dressed and went - by myself. My mom thought it was crazy and said it wasn't normal. Maybe it's not. But I figured I'd been on vacations and to other countries alone, why not the movies? It's OK to be independent and have alone time!

If you're in Southern California, be sure to check out the J.Crew Factory blogger meetup I'm co-hosting with Meg of henning love. We'd love to have you join us. RSVP today to reserve your spot.

Linking up for Random Wednesday and Four Favorites


  1. you're right!! you had a better pic!! thanks for the shootout!! <3

    and you're awesome for going to the movies alone!! I'm too wimpy for that!! What did you think of Gatsby?!

  2. I've gone to the movies many times by myself. It's no biggie because when you go with someone, it's not like you can even talk during the movie. I'm probably going to watch Gatsby by myself this weekend.

  3. I go to the movies all the time by myself. It is one of my favorite ways to relax.

  4. I think the dress looks lovely on you! I want it now. But man, these white winter legs have got to go!

  5. 2nd masters?! Wow that's impressive... I'm still doing my first and it's hard!!

    Love the white lace dress :) I've seen movies by myself... go you! If no one wants to see a movie with me... I guess go myself lol. I really liked Gatsby, what did you think?

  6. did you like Gatsby? I can't wait to see it. I love that dress and I am weirdly obsessed with cardigans so I love the one you are wearing with it!!!

  7. Oooh love your dress. Very pretty!

  8. Love the lace dress. So pretty!!! Did you like Gatsby? I did.

    Don't forget to link up to my weekly Tres-Chic Fashion Link Up. Hope to see you there.



  9. I've never understood why people don't go to the movies alone more often. All you are doing is sitting there watching. Not like you can talk during it!? I really want to see it and have plans to in like 2 weeks w/ my aunt. Hope it is still in the theatre by then.

  10. love your white dress! so pretty!

  11. Looks like a fun weekend. You look great!!

  12. So proud of Kathrin! She finally did it!! And girl look amaze in that lace dress! Don't get so down on yourself!! :)

  13. I think the idea of going to movie by myself sounds heavenly! And that lace dress is gorgeous on you!

  14. I love going to the movies by myself! I used to do it all the time before I got married. How did you like Gatsby?? I loved it!


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