Monday, July 8, 2013

Summer Scents

Now that it's summer I am in need of some new scents. I love my Coach Poppy, and it's actually great year-round, but my other go-tos are more for fall. While I could live in the simple, yet perfect, Sensual Amber perfume from Bath & Body Works, it's too heavy for hot days and nights. Time to switch it up! Here are some perfumes on my summer wish-list:

Summer Perfumes

Check out all of the discount perfumes at! There are really great deals on all of your favorite scents.


  1. I've been looking for a new perfume too! Might need to try these!


  2. I need a new summer scent! Great pics! I have heard a lot of great things about Grace.

  3. I love Coach Poppy! I'm wearing it today. :)

  4. I've got Miss Dior on my desk at the moment - it's so fresh! :)

  5. I'll have to make my list to try some of these. I was just at Sephora and loved the LaVanila Vanilla Lemon, so pretty and light :)


  6. matt hates philosophy!! i bought a sample size solely for my purse when i run out the door and forget to put some on and on those days he begs me to not wear it ever again and says it makes him gag!! lol!! oh and jimmy choo is awesome!! it stays with you all day and then some into the next morning!!

  7. I too wear perfume all year round lol I don't remember what Miss Dior Cherie smells like. But Philosophy's Amazing Grace is delightful. I love their bubble bath!


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