Sunday, July 7, 2013

My Best Friend's...Birthday

Yeah, she's already married so My Best Friend's Wedding wouldn't work. But anyways, this Saturday was Kathrin of Shop.School.Sleep.'s birthday and we had a great time celebrating. It was her 30th so she went all out at a wine bar/restaurant in Orange County called The Barrel Room at Two40 South. The place was perfect for an all-out bash.

We had a great three-course meal, delish wine, and a blast celebrating Kathrin's big day. The last row has a pic of Kathrin with the twerk shirt I got her, she can twerk when she drinks. It's terrifyingly awesome. And the other photo is her opening the gift that her two sisters and I got her, a Rebecca Minkoff bag.

To Kathrin, my best friend who has been an incredible person in my life since 6th grade (over half of our lives!), HAPPY 30TH!

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  1. So much fun! Wine and good friends = great birthday!!!

    Great gifts too!!

  2. Sounds like a great birthday bash with Masquerade masks and all! Love it!

  3. Looks like the perfect place to celebrate! Love the masks!

  4. That's so awesome you've been friends that long :) Looks like she had a great time - happy birthday!

  5. Looks like an awesome time and I love love that Twerk shirt! Where did you get it from??

  6. looks like a super fun weekend :)

  7. It looks like such a fun time. I love the theme and you all looked great!

  8. Aww looks so fun! What a nice gift!!

  9. Awe, I love this and seeing the pics on both of your ladies are adorable!! Glad you made it to her big 30!!!

  10. Love the masks!! Looks like so much fun! And now I want to move to the OC haha ;)

  11. You guys know how to throw a party, looks like a blast!

    That twerk shirt is hilarious!

  12. I saw your pictures on IG and I was so jealous! I would love, love to go to a masquerade party! I went to a masquerade themed prom in high school -- not that cool, haha.

  13. Looks like a fantastic party. And how cool that you went in with her sisters to get her a bag. I'm guessing it was a very expensive bag. 30 is a great age. I loved that year.

  14. awww, happy birthday to your best friend!!! :D

    <3, Mimi

  15. Great pics! Looks like a fun weekend!

  16. looks like you had a fabulous time!

  17. Wow. I live in Orange County and I've never heard of this place. I need to get out more!


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