Monday, November 25, 2013

Apartment Packing, AKA Torture

I am actually excited for Monday, because that means I don't have to pack anymore. Holy crap is it miserable! I've never had a real move. In college I lived in my sorority house and most of my stuff stayed at my parents'. I've been at my current place for years so I've accumulated so much junk. Like, where did it all come from?! The past two weekends have been spent packing all of said junk up. For the most part I just threw stuff in boxes. So that'll be fun unpacking. But at least I'm done!

I officially move the first weekend of December. Pray for me haha!

I did get a few breaks Saturday night and Sunday so I went to Target twice and dinner with a friend where I saw Retta, aka Donna of Parks and Rec. I'm def going to miss celeb sightings!

My Saturday night looked like this:

There's no better way to unwind than two hot dudes and some Starbucks!

Hopefully you're weekend was much more exciting. What did you do?

Join the Monday Morning Gossip fun with my co-host Kimberlee of I Have a Degree in This and me!

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  1. Packing sucks! It is easier to get rid of stuff so you have less to

  2. You Saturday looked a lot like mine! Happy Monday!

  3. Glad you are done packing! Looks like the perfect packing break to me!

  4. Congrats on your move! Can't wait to see pics :)

  5. Glad you finished up packing! Packing is a hassle! But congrats on the move!!!

  6. I've never had a big move either. It's always within a few miles, so every time I just have a few boxes and I pack them up, take them to the new place and unpack them. I take the boxes back to the old place and do it all over again. Not efficient whatsoever lol

  7. I feel for you. I hate packing!

  8. Packing sucks! I'm glad you're almost done though. I love Donna!!

  9. Moving is the WORST!! I hate it. We moved last year and it took a month of putting stuff in storage before we even moved. It was crazy. Good luck!

  10. Love Retta! oh man, I hate moving! But you also find a lot things about yourself lol good luck!

  11. Packing does totally suck. I've done it enough to know that I need to start getting rid of crap early. We're moving in Jan. and I'm already starting. Where are you moving?

  12. Moving is great but packing and unpacking is tough. Best of luck on your new journey.

  13. Moving is the WORST! When I packed up it was crazy the crap that I found.


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