Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday Morning, Minus the Exciting Gossip

I wish I had something fun to blog about today, but sadly my weekend was spent moving. BUT before the moving began Christina of Easily Entertained and I scored 12th row One Direction tickets for this summer - totally not a joke, I love them! Now we get to plan a trip to Philly and the concert was a good excuse to take a vacation together. Super excited about that!!

The past month has been hectic - SUPER FUN events like JT in Vegas and Seattle, but also lots of moving and packing stress, too. As a result I have been unable to visit and comment on blogs. I am sorry! I will get back into the swing of things soon, hopefully.

In the meantime, be sure to link up you're exciting posts and I'll live vicariously through you. And be sure to show my Monday Morning Gossip co-host some love. Stop by Kimberlee's blog and say hello, I Have a Degree in This!

 Here's how it works:
1. Blog about your gossip - all topics accepted so why not link up?!
2. Include the badge (below) in your post and/or link back to our blogs.
3. Add your link to the list below.



  1. Wahoo! Just found your link up!

  2. Yeah :/ I had nothing exciting to blog about either lol hope your move was good!

  3. Wait! Did I not mention that we're in row 12 of section 105? Oh crap, if you thought we were on the field, I feel terrible!!!

  4. hi! I'm new to your blog hop but I think it is a great fit. See ya next week too.

  5. I am still envious of your JT show. Trying not to be bitter;) haha

  6. Aw, moving day-- welcome back to Chino :P

  7. I just moved to Atlanta a few months ago, so I can relate to how hectic your world must be right now! Thanks for hosting this link up!

  8. You are so funny with your love of One Direction :)
    Happyyyy moving day. Can't wait to see pictures of the new place, girl!

  9. Hope moving went well!!

    Best, Mree

  10. Hope the moving went well! Hope unpacking isn't to terrible!


Thanks for visiting and commenting! I love making new blogging buddies :)