Monday, March 17, 2014

On the Red Carpet With PLL + Finale Secrets Revealed!

Our favorite liars
Image Credit: Kevin Parry for Paley Center for Media

Sasha Pieterse and Executive Producer, I. Marlene King

Who loves Pretty Little Liars? I do, I do! OK, we all do. And you know what else we love? Answers. Sit tight because you'll get a few here and a whole bunch during Tuesday's spring finale.

Yesterday I had the amazing opportunity to attend Paleyfest (a yearly, two-week event that features panels from huge TV hits, giving fans the opportunity to hear actors', directors', and writers' insight into their shows) and I was lucky enough to get to work the red carpet. 

Lucy Hale, Ashley Benson, and Shay Mitchell

Due to time constraints, I didn't get to interview any of the stars. They were on a tight schedule and had to get inside for the panel. I did manage to snap some shots as they were pulled off the carpet, though. Please excuse the blur!

Shay Mitchell and Lucy Hale

SPOILER ALERT: Nothing huge, but you may want to skip this paragraph if you'd rather be surprised.

I did have the opportunity to talk to two of the shows Executive Producers and they gave some great insight as to what to expect of the season finale, and I think you'll be pleased to hear that we are getting a lot of answers. I was told that loose ends will be tied up, new info will be presented, and characters will be returning - specifically, Jenna! Did you forget about the once-blind-returned-vision-only-to-lose-vision-again-stepsister-of-Toby? Yeah, I forgot about her for a minute there, too. Last we heard, she was in a coma. Well she's waking up! Also returning to Rosewood, Caleb, although we won't see him until next season so hold tight!

Joseph Dougherty and Oliver Goldstick, Executive Producers

After the red carpet I was able to attend the panel which was a lot of fun. The cast and producers talked about their chemistry on-set, discussed awkward moments, and once again promised lots of answers tomorrow night. There was even talk about wanting to make a PLL movie. Fingers crossed!

Be sure to tune into ABC Family Tuesday at 8/7c to see the Pretty Little Liars season four finale!

We're in for quite a ride, little liars! Who will be watching with me?


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  1. Wow! You've been having some awesome entertainment opportunities come your way Leeann! I've never ever watched PLL but I think Shay is gorgeous haha! Can't wait to hear all about your St. Thomas trip. I've been to St. John but never St. Thomas except for driving through to get to and from the airport :)

  2. What a fun event! I haven't watched PLL but still so fun that you got to be at the red carpet event.

  3. Wait...Jenna is in a coma? Has it been so long since we've seen her that I completely forgot about that? How did that happen??

  4. What a fun event!! You are so lucky!!
    Entered your giveaway! Great earrings! LOVE THEM!!

    Hope you are doing well!! Doesn't it suck to be back to reality after vaca??

    Best, Mree

  5. Such a cool opportunity for you! Looks like so much fun! I'm jealous!

  6. I can't believe it's already the end of season 4!!! Insane!!! :)

    Glad you were able to go and all. :)


  7. I haven't watched any of this season. It's all saved up on TiVo though. I can't believe it's already time for the finale! I have some binge-watching to do.


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