Monday, July 7, 2014

Best Friend Birthday Wishes!

Happy birthday to my IRL bestie, Kathrin of Shop.School.Sleep. We've known each other since elementary school and somehow still like each other ;) No but really, I'm so lucky to have her in my life and we're proof that opposites attract. She likes wine, I prefer beer. She's all about literature, I am all about sports. She's in heels, I'm in flats. She's a dancer, I'm a barstool clinger. Wait a minute...the more I compare, the more sophisticated she sounds and the more I feel like a dude lol! The point is, Kathrin's the greatest and I can't wait to celebrate with her today! Go wish her a happy birthday!!

And an oldie but goodie from our college sorority years. Back in the day it was more like fraternity Haha see what I did there? ;)


Your turn! Join the Monday Morning Gossip fun with my co-host Kimberlee of I Have a Degree in This and me. Here's how it works:

1. Blog about your gossip - all topics accepted so why not link up?!
2. Include the badge (below) in your post and/or link back to our blogs.
3. Add your link to the list below.
4. Only add ONE post.

We are not mean, but if you don't follow the rules we'll have to delete you. PLEASE don't make us!


Meet this week's featured blog, Love, Iris.

If you love fashion, this is your go-to blog. Iris has the cutest looks!


  1. It is so great to have lifelong friends! Hope you have a great time celebrating and that you are feeling better.

  2. That's so cool that you have such an old friend who gets you and who gets blogging so well! Have fun celebrating!

  3. Happy Birthday to your Bestie!!

    I know what it's like to have a long-time best friend. I have kept my bestie around for 20 years! Wow, I'm getting old. ;)

  4. Haha don't you just love those friends who make you feel like a total dude? (:

  5. Aww..what a lovely post! That's wonderful that you not only have a lifelong friend but you are also blogging friends. Nothing better!!

    Best, Mree

  6. Aw... happy birthday to your friend. Great photo round up!

  7. Aw thanks bestie!!! Love the pics :) and you're liking the wine admit it!! Plus it would have been more like parties because I don't remeber sleep til Aw thanks bestie!!! Love the pics :) and you're liking the wine admit it!! Plus it would have been more like parties because I don't remember sleep til after college lol

  8. Happy happy birthday Kathrin! My best friend and I met in elementary school too, it's such a treat to grow with her. I hope you celebrate thoroughly!

  9. OH's always fun when a long term friend turns a new number. :) My best friend and I met in first grade. Cannot believe how long this has been!! 27 years?! Or so. WOW.

  10. Love that you have been friends for so long. I have a few relationships like that. Happy Birthday to her.

  11. Happy Birthday to Kathrin! I love that you've been friends for so long. Neither of you have changed much from the college photo!

  12. Oh I didn't know Katherine was your best friend. I enjoy her blog and her 30 for 30 features. She is a cute teacher. You look lovely in that photo the two of you. Happy Birthday to her!!

  13. It is so great that you guys have been friends for so long and now are both bloggers! :)

  14. Thanks for hosting Leeann. My best friend is Japanese and I met her about 6 years ago. She returned to Japan but we still managage to keep in touch because we got this connection going on between us. Call it friendship? love? Regards from Germany. Sabina @Oceanblue Style

  15. that is such a sweet tribute to her!!

  16. Awww so sweet :) So great that you've been able to stay friends so long!

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Thanks for visiting and commenting! I love making new blogging buddies :)