Friday, December 26, 2014

My 2014 Travels

I started 2014 by getting laid off in January. That turned into the best thing to happen to me! Instead of stressing about a job I hated and jumping into a new role right away, I took plenty of time to enjoy life and go on a bunch of vacations. Here are the places I saw this year:

On the Set of Revolution

Touring South Fork Ranch

The Bahamas beaches

St. Thomas View

Grand Turk waters

Puerto Rico shore

Miami Beach cocktail

Central Park Boathouse

Philadelphia City Hall and Love Park

San Francisco skyline

Jackson Square in Fall

Boston skyline from above

Then I finally got a job. And to my surprise, they sent me to Boston for my first week!

One year, 12 destinations. Pretty magical. I'd say my wanderlust was fulfilled in 2014. So far I have a trip to Seattle planned for next summer, but who knows what trip 2015 has in store. Hopefully lots of exciting adventures!!


  1. Wow what a year! Definitely jealous!

  2. You're coming to seattle?! Awesome!! :)

  3. 2014 shaped up to be a great year of travel for you! Can't wait to see where you go in 2015. You might want to add Portland to your Seattle trip. It's only a few hours away.

  4. What a great year and some fabulous destinations. So glad I got to meet you!

  5. Good for you for taking time for yourself this year. You traveled to some amazing places! So jealous!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  6. You had such a fantastic year!!! Your travels made me happy {and slightly jealous}...I know 2015 will be just as fantastic. :)


  7. Looks like you had a great year! I wish I could take some time and travel!

  8. How fun! Did you love Puerto Rico!!?? Are you still in Boston!?

  9. Getting laid off definitely had a bright side for you-- so awesome you were able to visit so many places! One of my 2015 goals is to travel more, I think the furthest I ventured in 2014 was to San Diego :/

  10. You certainly got to travel a lot in 2014. Hope 2015 brings a few more trips for you to enjoy.

  11. This blog post was amazing! So beautifully done! x

  12. So exciting, 2014 has definitely been a great year for you!

  13. Holy shit, I forgot you did SO much this year! So jealous of all your travels - hope this year brings you back to the city (or me to visit you in your hood!). Happy New Year, beautiful friend! xox

  14. Whoa, that is totally awesome you were able to travel and see so many great cities in one year!! I have not traveled really anywhere yet {serious sad face!} so I've finally put a vacay plan together to take myself to Hawaii later this year...super excited!

  15. It sure looks like you had an amazing year and you totally took full advantage of the opportunity life handed you. Great job making lemonade!! :)



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