Monday, December 2, 2013

Justin Mother-Effing Timberlake in Vegas!

Before I get to my post, I want to take a minute to again pay my resects to Paul Walker. I'm sure everyone is blogging about him today - rightfully so. Yesterday I re-posted a feature I did on him back in 2011. Be sure to take a look at the recap of the hearthrob, as blogged two years ago. I also added in some info about his new movie coming out in two weeks.

Today I have a little man candy Monday mixed in with my gossip. If your heart didn't skip a beat when reading the title of my post, please pause, take a second to let it sink in, then swoon because today is all about JT!

For your listening pleasure, here's a short clip from the show. Please excuse the iPhone video quality.

Friday I had the pleasure of attending the first Vegas show of his JT 20/20 Tour and it was epic. We had incredible front row seats, I wish my iPhone pictures and videos did justice to the close proximity we had to the stage. These pictures are NOT zoomed in though, if that gives some perspective. And when I thought we couldn't be much closer, Justin got up  close and personal with everyone. He had a setup that moved the stage from one side of the arena to the next. Literally moving over the crowd so at one point he was right above us singing and dancing on stage. For those of you who have seen him on this tour, was that something at each venue or did we get lucky with the smaller one we were at?

If you have never seen JT and have the chance to catch him on tour - do it! He's the epitome of a performer. The singing and dancing is so on point. I don't know how he does it, but I love it!

You're turn. Join the Monday Morning Gossip fun with my co-host Kimberlee of I Have a Degree in This and me!

Here's how it works:
1. Blog about your gossip - all topics accepted so why not link up?!
2. Include the badge (below) in your post and/or link back to our blogs.
3. Add your link to the list below.



  1. So jealous!! JT seemed amazing from the videos you shared! So need to go see him. Glad you had a good time!

  2. Would love to see JT! He's definitely a favorite! Happy Monday!

  3. Holy molly! You saw justin timberlake! Sooo awesome! Looks like a fun time!

  4. Ahhh so jealous you got to see JT live!!! But wait... Where's the pic of your outfit??? What did you end up wearing??

  5. That sounds like an amazing show! He is here in Houston later this week and I am so bummed that I'm not going!

  6. Jealous! Sounds like an awesome weekend!!

  7. amazing seats!!!! so awesome you got to go see him! So swoon-worthy!!

  8. I cannot wait to see him in SIX WEEKS! Man, his tour is long. I think that stage thing is at every stop. I've seen in it a few pictures. Since I'm way up high, hopefully I'll get a little closer to him that way. :)


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