I love my iPhone's camera. It takes some good quality photos. If only it had a built in flash...
Here are some photos that I have taken in the past week with my phone. They are right before and during the storm that California is having. Enjoy =)
The last sunset without rain
Dawn appears to bring clear skies
The impending storm

A shot from underneath a tree right before dusk
A rainbow on the horizon promises brighter days
Don't forget to enter my giveaway for The Body Shop!
how did you get these great pictures on a iphone! so talented :)
They do take great photos when the light is right. In case I need to quickly email someone I got the free photoshop app! It works great!
gorgeous images dear! :)
i do wish iPhones had a flash though! :)
those palm trees would make a beautiful print on some fabric, don't you think? Hope your rain is all gone now.
Are you kidding, u got these pics from ur iphone?!
These photos are amazing. You could actually frame them and sell them in a gallery. Wow!
The pictures turned out so good! Especially using an iPhone. I really like them :)
Those are amazing pictures. Hard to believe they were taken with a phone! So artistic!
okay, those are FABULOUS! my g1 takes a RARE good photo haha
ps: thank you for adding me to your blogroll! i have to organize mine and you'll be on mine too! xo
What a lovely blog you have..thank you for visiting me. Your images are great...I can not believe you took them on your iPhone..another reason for me to get one! Off to visit some of your past posts.
Such beautiful pictures! Nothing beats a moody sky!
Wow! Those are amazing! All my iphone pics are horrible. A built in flash would be tremendously helpful for me! :)
These are gorgeous photos, indeed! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I'm looking forward to doing a little digging around here. Your blog is SUPER cute!! :)
Beautiful!! I love the last one with the rainbow!!
What pretty photos! Love the rainbow one!
This is so beautiful very mesmerizing. It looks so enchanting.
I like the beautiful pictures of the skies.
I got the free photoshop app! It works great!
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