Monday, March 15, 2010

LemonAid: It Tastes Good to Do Good

There are so many things in this world that need attention; sex trafficking is one. The Body Shop has paired up with ECPAT USA and the Somaly Mam Foundation to raise awareness and funds in an effort to stop this horrendous world epidemic. But they can’t do it without us. Here is your chance to make a real difference.

Today, The Body Shop's Sweet Lemon product line was launched along with LemonAid. Not only do the products sounds scrumptious, the cause is beyond worthwhile. While shopping for these new items on The Body Shop site, please take a few moments to perform the actions listed below. When you do so, the following amounts will be donated to the cause (up to $10,000):

Cool and easy, so be sure to visit the site to perform these actions often!

Wondering what the Sweet Lemon sweepstakes is? The Body Shop is going to randomly select one winner per day, every day until 4-11, to win the following products:

  • Sweet Lemon Body Butter
  • Sweet Lemon Lip Butter
  • Sweet Lemon Whip Body Lotion
  • Sweet Lemon Shower Gel
  • Sweet Lemon Body Scrub

And because The Body Shop is so cool, they are offering one of my readers the same giveaway!

To enter my contest, please do one or more of the following (one entry each):

  • Tweet with BOTH the hashtag #LemonAid and @jointhegossip
  • Follow The Body Shop on Twitter
  • Follow me on Twitter
  • Install the LemonAid widget on your blog

Please leave a separate comment for each action you perform, otherwise you won’t get full credit. Sorry, contest is only open to U.S. residents.

Giveaway ends Wednesday, March 31. Good luck =)

Photo courtesy of: The Body Shop


Jillian said...

intern at an anti-trafficking organization in D.C. If people only knew more about how prevalent this issue is - there are so many people from the US being trafficked within our borders, not to mention what's happening abroad.

Jillian said...

*i used to

ThingsToDoWithKids said...

I do not have twitter. However, I will squeeze the crap out of your lemon. I am glad that The Body shop is raising awareness about this issue. It's one that we seldom think about unless we're watching it in a tv show or movie.

Jules said...

I have tweeted here:

Jules said...

I follow The Body Shop on Twitter

Meg said...

Becoming a facebook fan!

Laney said...

Follow you on Twitter! @fashionablegal -

Laney said...

Follow them on Twitter @fashionablegal -

Laney said...


smartshopper2 said...

I follow you on twitter @pelletposy

smartshopper2 said...

Am following the body shop on twitter @pelletposy

smartshopper2 said...

tweeted this giveaway

thanks for the chance to win & help a great cause.

Havilland said...

I follow on Twitter!
@HavillandSavage - Twitter

Havilland said...

I tweeted about this giveaway! Here's the link:
@HavillandSavage - Twitter

pixie2183 said...

I tweeted it! And you already follow me :)

Karen P said...

I follow the body shop on twitter

Karen P said...


Pretty Zesty said...

I added widget to my blog. AMAZING idea!

Reena Rai said...

OH I saw this range in the store and thought lemon scented was a nice idea, had no idea there was such a great cause behind it. Great that they are doing so much to help the cause

Mom Fashion World said...

I love this product.
I've been a fan of Body Shop since college.

Leah said...

I love the cause... and I agree that sex trafficking is getting rampant. xoxo

Audrey Allure said...

Great giveaway!

I followed you on Twitter :)

Audrey Allure said...

I also tweeted about it :)

Havilland said...

I follow The Body Shop & Join The Gossip on Twitter!
@HavillandSavage - Twitter

Cafe Fashionista said...

What a great cause; and a great product! Fabulous giveaway, my love!

And in response to your comment...the fur must always be faux! :)

Fashion Court said...

OMG, how did i not enter this?! i'd love to enter! i follow you on twitter, of course :o)

Stephanie said...

Definately going to follow on facebppk and twitter!


Anonymous said...

I just added you to my list on twitter :) I'm surprised that I hadn't before now.

kimvee said...

Aww thanks for the nice comment :) I wish I could enter this giveaway, unfortunately I'm allergic to scented lotions :|

Havilland said...

Daily tweet! Link -->

@HavillandSavage - Twitter

Unknown said...

I follow @jointhegossip on Twitter @DVLTweet. v2931 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I follow @thebodyshopusa on Twitter @DVLTweet. v2931 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I tweeted about this giveaway at v2931 at aol dot com

yiqin; said...

Wow, I like body shop and its campaigns.

Deanna said...

I follow The Body Shop on Twitter as "calidreamin87"

Deanna said...

I follow you on twitter as "calidreamin87"

Deanna said...


Unknown said...

i tweeted

Unknown said...

i follow you

Unknown said...

i follow the body shop