You see, Elana and I first met after she hired me to work as a writer on her team at PlasticSurgery.com . Soon thereafter she came up with Beauty Chat, a blog dedicated to beauty and lifestyle. I started out writing posts and worked my way up to the Managing Editor position. Along the way, she also created her own personal blog, inspiring me to do the same. We always want to be like our mentors, right? Thus Join the Gossip was born in December of 2007.
Years have passed and I am no longer working with Elana on a day to day basis. I am, however, in quite arguably a better position--her friend. Our relationship has progressed from professional to personal.
This rad chick is the reason I get to go to LA Fashion Week shows, the reason I have written for several different outlets, the reason I love the blogosphere and have connected with each of you.
(Elana and I @ my birthday party back in August)
Please take a moment to check out her blog. You won't find another that's more insightful on fashion as she's a personal shopper in addition to a grammatical queen!
To read the amazing post that she wrote about me, check it out here.
Photo courtesy of: Good Girl Gone Shopping
Aww thats so cute!!
Merci beaucoup for stopping by darling =]
Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
English Rose x
thats really sweet! its amazing what you can get out of work relationships :D x
Just left my comments on the lovcely piece sweetie. so deserved hun!
big kiss
Awwww... I'm glad to see that your work relationship has blossomed into a beautiful friendship. I will most definitely be checking out her blog. =)
What a great article! You and Elana are both gifted writers.
The post was overdue Leeann! Keep up the fabulous work! And you totally didn't have to write this, but thank you whole-heartedly. xoxoxo
I read Elana's post just before I read yours. It was very sweet of her to write that. I miss the good ol days at PlasticSurgery.com where we all got to see eachother on a day to day basis.
what a touching post
Oh, that's so cool! I just love hearing stories like that, when our virtual or professional friends turn into our real ones, lovely!
sweet post. is that sake you are drinking? :) lovely blog.
Nicole visiting from http://lettersfromcoco.blogspot.com/
You are such a sweety! Very nice for dedicating this post to her. You guys look really adorable!!
she sounds amazing. :) its so cool that you guys are so close
Ah so cute :)
how sweet to know that you two have remained friends! Im about to go read her blog now :)
What an awesome mentor and friend! It also sounds like you had a great job when you were working with her. It pays to have friends in high places ;) That is awesome that you get to go to LA Fashion Week shows.
I just read the post that she wrote about you and it was SO sweet! I also couldn’t agree more about all of her kind words ;)
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