I was recently given the Happy 101 award by Mimi of What Mimi Writes. If you haven't discovered her blog, do eeeeet! It's really entertaining :)
1) Thank the person(s) who gave you this award
2) Copy the icon on to your profile
3) State 10 things you like
4) Give this award to other bloggers and notify them with a comment
So here it goes...
311! For more info, check out my previous post.

Softball! Still play and been playing for 20 years.

TV! My top favs are The Vampire Diaries, Gossip Girl, Fringe, Life Unexpected...I could go on and on but at some point it just gets sad.

History! Especially that of the colonial period. One day live in New England.

Architecture! If it's an old building, like circa 1920s or older, I'm in love.

Traveling! Although I don't do it as much as I'd like. Excited for my trip to the Dominican Republic in December!!

Animals! I love them so much I gave up eating them lol! I'm weak though. I now eat chicken and fish :(

Black and white! Not sure why but if it's black and white I'm drawn to it.

Rain! We don't get much in LA so when it's gloomy I get excited. I'm only happy when it rains ;) I miss the band Garbage.

Fall! Leaves, Starbucks, Halloween. Too bad I have never seen a real fall.
I hate picking blogs for awards. I never know if people want to participate. Therefore, if anyone doesn't want to play I won't be offended. And if anyone wants to play along, please do!
Photos courtesy of: Google Images
Thanks for the tag! I love reading your answers!
Thanks for the tag! I will do my best to answer this in a post soon :)
i wanna the peppy so so cute
Congrats on the award :) Oh, I do love Autumn, by far my favourite season!
Congrats on the award!! I could have written about 3/4's of this list:)
Congrats on the award/tag and thanks for tagging me! I’ve done this one before, but it might be fun to do again :)
Love your love list! I don’t think I ever knew that you played softball. I played as a kid/teen and my friends and I sometimes get games together in the summer just for fun. It really is a lot of fun.
Black and white is a good one, especially when it comes to photography!
thanks for the shoutout! and i agree with almost everything on your list. i love rain too!!! seriously, whenever we get a gloomy day here in LA, i get all excited! ;)
<3, Mimi
Sorry I am a little behind, very thoughtful of you to think of me and I will be sure to play along! Now to come up with 10 things oh the pressure!
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