Ashley of A Hasty Life invited me to participate in her blog crawl, It's in the Bag! She came up with the cute idea of having us give our readers a glimpse into our purses...literally. Although excited, I quickly remembered that all of my bags contain one, big, hot mess! It's kind of embarrassing actually. It takes me several minutes to find my keys once they are dropped into my black holes (aka purses).
So maybe this post will be a bit therapeutic for me. Showing the blogosphere just how unorganized I am may inspire me to clean my purses out. In the very least, maybe it'll get me to throw away the millions of receipts I definitely do not need taking up space!
Without further ado, here is my fav bag, the L.A.M.B. Signature Rasta Commodore Hobo.
This is an "edited" version of my purse's contents. I cleaned it out not too long ago. But as you can (not)see, there is way too much goin' on in here! The essentials are all included: wallet, checkbook, phone, phone charger, hand sanitizer, inhaler, headache meds, lip glosses, pens, mace, and keys. But here's where it starts to get messy: papers, receipts, gum wrappers, gum that has made it's way out of the packet, napkins (I have a sick addiction. I CANNOT throw away napkins), a random packet of honey, movie stubs, old business cards from the company I worked at two years ago...I'll stop there because it's getting ridiculous.
Despite the fact that there is junk chillin' in my purse, the most frustrating thing is not being able to find my keys. It's dangerous and stupid to be in a parking lot at night scrambling to find them. So I am setting a New Year's resolution for myself right now. In 2011 I will learn to keep my purse more clean and organized.
Hey, who knew a blog crawl would lead to life changes? :)
To check out the blog who posted It's in the Bag before me, head on over to I Am Along for the Ride. Also, be sure to check out Village (a great blog!) tomorrow to see what she's hiding in her handbag!
What a fun post! I love seeing whats in other people's bags
I dig for my keys all of the time too. A purse is like one big black hole! ;)
Thank you so much for participating in the blog crawl!! I really enjoyed reading your post!! I can never find my keys!! And my purse is super small!!
<3 Ashley
ahah the honey packet and napkins made me laugh :) I used to stash all of that in the glove compartment of my car when I had one!!
Cute bag!!! I have the same issue with my keys- so I got a cute clip and I clip them to the inside zipper. Thus I can ALWAYS find them...pending I hook them rather than throw them =)
Gorgeous bag, such great colors!
I can never find anything in my bigger purses either. That's why sometimes I prefer a crossbody bag or clutch. You can bring less but you can find everything!
Every now and again, I take the time to really go through my purse and wallet and get everything all organized. Then I feel great for, like, a day because that's how long it takes for it to get un-organized. Ugh.
hooray for a lamb bag! that is one of my favorite prints & designs by lamb.
The lining of your bag is SO fabulous!
haha i totally know what you mean about not being able to find stuff!! it's not good when it's dark out and u just need to get to your car!!
I haven’t done or seen one of these posts in forever! I’m going to have to do one soon since I’m not very inspired to write about anything in particular these days.
Cute purse and it sounds like we have a lot of the same things floating around in our bags. Hand sanitizer is an absolute must with all the germs, especially in the winter. You might this already, but my key fob helps big time for me finding my keys in my bag. It’s pink and brown and easy to spot. They always seem to get buried.
Love your bag! So cute! {Found you through the blog crawl! Love your blog!}
This is really a fun post! love your bag!
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I love love love all these posts about what's inside my bag. I love it! I think my bag is usually quite clean but on occasion I have receipts and wrappers stuffed in there.
Oh my goodness my bag is just as heinous! I embarrassed MYSELF today just looking in there . . . I can never ever ever find my cell phone in my purse. It's like the dang Bermuda triangle.
i hate when i cant find my keys! so so annoying!
$75 to swimspot if you are interested!
oh my handbag(s)...I have a 3 yr old too.. so you can only imagine what goes on in there!
WAY CUTE bag, by the way!
Funny. My time is coming for the Blog Crawl, and I feel like I need to do a bit of an "edit" as well. My bag always becomes overcome by tissues, receipts, flyers, gum packages and other random things I pick up along the way. Sometimes I think of it as an interim receptacle until I come across a trash can.
Great to find your blog; I'm participating in the crawl, too, today actually! Love your blog... look forward to reading more.
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